Why She killed Mr Jeon

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Kim Y/n, I will kill you. Now, I've had enough of you. You killed my father, I couldn't do anything. You took my family away from me, I was helpless.
You ruined my sister, I didn't even know it till a few days ago. But today, today you were going to kill my brother like best friend Taehyung. I won't tolerate it. I'm gonna kill you today only so that I could end everyone's suffering. Mark said wiping his tears harshly.

You dare touch my wife, Choi Mark. Jungkook growled at him.
You Jungkook, you are saying that? Did you forget that she's the one who killed your father. Did you forget she tried to kill Sana? And now, Taehyung. Mark shouted at him.

Upon listening to him, Jungkook clenched his jaw and said; What proof do you have that she's the one behind Taehyung's this condition.
In return Mark scoffed at him and showed his phone in front of Jungkook's face.
See this video, you'll know by yourself. Mark said giving his phone to Jungkook.
As Jungkook saw the video, the phone slipped from his hands. His eyes turned a shade darker than before.

In the video, Y/n is giving money to a group of man saying; kill them by tomorrow's morning.

These are the men who attacked us. And this video is sent by Hamin, her own brother. He was the one who told me about Iseul too, that day. He's been helping me to find my family. And now he has found them. Y/n has taken them to xyz place to kill them. Hamin is keeping an eye on her from a little far hiding from her. Mark said making Jungkook to clench his fists.

I'm going to save my family and kill her, do whatever you want. Mark said with an emotionless face and started leaving from there.
But Jungkook held his hand. I'll come with you. And you guys stay here and inform us about Taehyung's condition from time to time. Jungkook said to Jin, Rm, Suga and Jhope.

On the other hand at xyz place;
Look who's here. Hamin said with a smirk on his face.
Your death, Y/n said walking towards him in her all glory with a vicious smirk on her breathtakingly beautiful face.
In return Hamin chuckled at her and said; Oh my poor little sister, did you forget that I HAVE ISEUL AND MRS CHOI.

Ma'am, we have surrounded the whole area, we are just waiting for your order to snap these men. Jun said on the earpiece.
Wait a little more. She replied.
Huh? Hamin said with raised brows.

Nothing, just thinking how to give you a painful death. Y/n said nearing him.
Upon listening to her, Hamin started laughing like a maniac and then stopped suddenly and gestured his fingers towards Y/n.
Now, twenty of men have pointed their guns at Y/n.
You can't even touch me, my dear sister. Killing is a far thing. Hamin grabbed her jaw.
Be thankful that Jeon isn't here or he would have cut this hand of yours by now. Y/n said glaring at him.
Is that so? Hamin let out a chuckle.
In return, Y/n raised her brows.
But he's coming here, do you know why? To kill you. He said and started laughing loudly.
Too bold of you to assume that. Do you really think that he will kill his Jaan for a "nothing" like you? Y/n let out a chuckle.
That's why I sent a video to him that you sent those men to kill Mark and Taehyung, this morning. You know AI is really awesome these days. Hamin said smirking at her.

But his smirk didn't last long when
Y/n started laughing like a maniac.
Jeon Jungkook can burn this whole world just to keep his Jaan alive and you are saying he is coming to kill me. She said inbetween her laugh but a harsh slap came across her left cheek making her clench her jaw.

Enough of your bull shit, bitch. Where's my son? Hamin said grabbing her jaw harshly.
Did you just slapped me? Y/n growled at him and kicked him hard making him fall on the floor.
As she kicked Hamin, one of the men who were pointing their guns at her hit the back of her head making her fall on her knees.
Think before you do anything, my little sister. Hamin said standing up from the floor.
In return Y/n just smirked at him and shouted; Shoot.
And in the blink of an eye, the men who were pointing their guns at Y/n were lying there dead.
Blood splashed all over her, making her cover in blood.
H-h-how it can be possible. Hamin said with widened eyes.
It's Kim Y/n's territory, brother. This whole South Korea, the empire built by Kim Sungmin. Did you really think that The Kim mafias has drowned? Tch tch, such a fool you are. Once a Queen is always a Queen, my dear brother.
Y/n said wiping her face with the back of her hand and started moving towards him but halted after watching the video he was showing on his phone.
Mrs Choi and Iseul are tied to the Chairs in a room but Mrs Choi is wearing a vest with a bomb attached to it.
Twenty minutes, in just twenty minutes it will blow and with it Mrs Choi and my dear Iseul will die. Hamin chuckled and closed the video.
You bastard, y/n marched towards him but fell harshly on the floor as someone hit her hard with something. It was Hamin's man.
Jun too came in the hall and started fighting Hamin's men.
Jun, you go and find Mrs Choi and Iseul. I'll take care of them, Y/n shouted and punched the man who hit her.
Sure ma'am, Jun shouted back and left from here.
You wanna play with me? Y/n said smirking at the men in front of her.
Let's see how long you can survive my little sister. Hamin said sitting a little aside with a smirk on his face.

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