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Hold my hand tightly Taehyung and don't look below you just look in my eyes and try to pull yourself. Y/n said pulling taehyung with her all might.
Yes just a little more, apply your whole body strength. Again said Y/n.

Oh my mine you are so heavy, man.
Y/n said lying on the ground, breathing heavily.
Yeah, lately I've been gaining some weight for a more muscular body. Taehyung said lying beside her, he too was breathing heavily.
It's really high, if you would've fallen from here. I don't think you would've been alive by now. Y/n said looking at the depth from the edge of the mountain.
Yeah, you are right. If it wasn't for you, i would've died by now. Thank you, Y/n.
As Taehyung was talking to her, she pushed him to the side making him fall on the ground.
Y/n, Taehyung shouted and marched towards her preventing her from falling from the edge of the mountain.
Oh my God Y/n, you've got shot by a bullet. What should I do, yeah Jungkook. I'll call Jungkook. Taehyung said panicking.
But Y/n held his hand and said; No, don't call him. And promise me, you won't tell anyone about what happened here. Forget it.
But, said Taehyung. And before he could say further, she interrupted him and said; no but, please listen to me once. Don't let anyone know about this incident.
Upon listening to her pleading voice, Taehyung promised her not to tell anyone about it and lifted her in his arms and started going towards Y/n's car.
Oh my God, the blood isn't stopping. It's flowing nonstop, Taehyung said looking at her abdomen where she got shot.
Y/n just chuckled and diverted her gaze towards the forest and smirked thinking to herself. So, you were the one who tried to kill my brother. Just wait till I catch you, Smith Rivera. Y/n said in her mind looking at a man hiding in the woods.

Hold yourself Y/n, I'll not let you happen anything. Taehyung said, driving the car at much speed as he could.
Just drive carefully, it's not first time I've got shot. Y/n said casually making Taehyung to widen his eyes.

She is out of danger now and I've written some medicines here, give them to her on time. The doctor said handing him a paper.
Taehyung nodded his head and took that paper from the doctor.
And after that, the doctor left from there and Taehyung too went to buy the medicines.

As Taehyung entered the room where Y/n was, he saw her sleeping. So, he slowly went towards the stool beside her and sat on it.
I've never experienced something like this before, oh my gosh. From now onwards I will close my every single window and door. Taehyung said and started thinking how he ended up on the edge of the mountain.

Taehyung just came out of the shower wearing a t-shirt and a trouser. I'm so thirsty, I need some water. He said and went towards his kitchen to fetch water.
As he was returning back to his room, someone tapped his shoulder making him turn around. But before he could turn around, that person injected something in his neck due to which he lost his consciousness and fell on the floor.
And when he opened his eyes, he saw himself on the edge of the mountain. His hands and legs were tied. Panick took over him and he started wiggling to save himself but ended up sliding down. As he was sliding down the mountain, he held an edgy rock with his tied hands.
Is someone out there? Someone please help me. Taehyung shouted but to no avail, nobody came to help him.
His hands were slowly sliding from that rock and for once he thought that he won't survive so, he closed his eyes giving up but a hand held his tied ones and started pulling him upwards.
When Taehyung opened his eyes, he was shocked. Never in his life he had thought that Y/n will save him. He was staring at her.
Yaah you nuthead, pull yourself. I can't do it by myself, Y/n shouted at him making him come to his wits and then he too started pulling himself up.
Flashback ends;

You are creeping me out, Y/n said looking at Taehyung who is staring at her without blinking his eyes.
I was just thinking about something, Taehyung replied and took a glass of water from the nearby table.
Thinking that, How you ended up hanging on the edge of a mountain? Y/n said smirking at him.
Taehyung just cleared his throat and handed a glass of water to her and said; here take these medicines.

Her sinful soul__a J.Jk ffWhere stories live. Discover now