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Jeon! Jeon! Jeon! Your phone is ringing for the past ten minutes, get out of the bathroom. Y/n shouted.
Who's it? Jungkook shouted back from the bathroom.
Jaspher, she replied back.
Pick the call and tell him I'm busy, He said.
Okay, she again replied and picked the call.
He's busy. Y/n said and cut the call without listening the other side.
The phone again ringed making her sigh in annoyance.
What? She shouted at Jaspher.
Mam, please give the phone to Mr Jeon. Jaspher said from the other side.
If he could pick up your call then Why would I pick it up? Y/n snapped at him.
It's urgent mam, please understand me. Jaspher again said.
After listening to him, Y/n's last nerve of patience broke up. She was going to shout at him but Jungkook took the phone from her and hugged her from behind. His bare body was sticking to her. Only a towel was wrapped around his torso. Water was dripping from his wet hair on her shoulder drop by drop.
He put his chin on her shoulder and said; what is it Jaspher?
Sir, Mr Anderson has invited us for a collaboration in Hawaii. Jaspher said.
Mr Anderson? When? Jungkook asked caressing Y/n's belly. ( she's only in her bra as she took bath an hour ago and is lazy to wear a tshirt)
After a week, he replied.
Say yes to him and send a gift from my side. Jungkook said and cut the call.
So, Is my Jaan on her periods? Jungkook said nuzzling in her neck.
Y/n turned around and raised her brows. Periods? Why?
Then why so moody? Hmm? Jungkook said tracing his fingers on her back and stopped on her bra hook.
You look so hot with that annoyed face of yours, darling. Jungkook peck her lips and unhooked her bra.
In return Y/n smirked at him and pushed him on the bed and hovered over him.
I'll take the lead today, babyboy. She said and started tracing her fingers from his abs to his neck to his jaw and then cupped his left cheek.
Jungkook just smirked at her and put his hands at the back of his head.

Time skip to evening;
Y/n is on the living room working on her laptop and Jungkook is talking on his phone with some businessmen.

How you doing sweetheart? Mrs Kim said entering Jeon mansion with her son beside her.
Mother? Why are you here? Y/n said looking at her.
Yaah! What type of question is that? I'm here to meet my daughter. Mrs Kim said dramatically.
You? Why are you here? Do you wanna die by my hands? Jungkook snapped at Hamin.
Shut it, Jeon. Y/n glared at him.
Jungkook was going to say something but Mrs Kim interrupted in between saying; Why are you saying that, my son?
Because he thinks that Hamin is my employee who was getting too close to his wife. Y/n said, still glaring at Jungkook.
Upon listening to her, Mrs Kim burst into laughter making Jungkook frown in confusion.
You thought him as an employee who was trying to flirt with his own sister? Mrs Kim said laughing more harder.
Stop it, old lady or you'll die out of breath. Y/n said judging her mother's laugh.
Mrs Kim rolled her eyes and sat on the sofa.
He's my son "Kim Hamin". He's an introvert. He hates socialising, hates mafia work and all. He doesn't want to let people know that he's our son. He wants to live a peaceful life without any disturbance. That's why, we never mentioned his name in front of anyone. Mrs Kim said smiling at her son.
But not anymore, no matter what I do. I'm still a member of this family and I have some responsibilities towards my family. I will not back off now. Hamin said mirroring his mother's smile.
That's why we came here to invite you guys for his welcome party which is two days later. Mrs Kim said looking at Y/n and Jungkook.
We'll be there. Jungkook said looking at Y/n and she too nodded her head in agreement.
Okay then, see you at the party. Mrs Kim said hugging her daughter.
It's really nice to meet you Mr Jeon. Hamin said holding his hand out for handshake.
Yeah, it's pretty nice. Jungkook said smirking at the cut on the left side of Hamin's face and shook his hand with him.
Hamin just awkwardly smiled at him.
And then, they left.
What was that behaviour, Jeon? Y/n said glaring at Jungkook.
What behaviour, Jaan. Jungkook mocked her.
You know what I'm saying. Y/n again said.
I just don't like your brother's vibe. He said and left from there ignoring her words, making her throw the pillow at the back of his head.

Time skip at night;
Why is she like this? Just when I start to forget her deeds and try to move on, she gives me new reason to hate her. Jungkook shouted punching the table.
Calm down Jungkook, Mark said putting his hand on Jungkook's shoulder.
Now, I have acknowledged one thing. Jimin said standing up from his chair.
What? Taehyung asked in confusion.
that there's no limit to her cruelty. She is a monster in the human body. Jimin looked straight in Taehyung's eyes.
Taehyung just gulped and diverted his gaze towards Mark.
Let's all join our hands together to tumble her. Let us also be cruel to stop her before she crumble us. Namjoon said looking at Jungkook who was clenching his jaw.
I'm in, Jungkook growled and hugged Mark. I can't change what has happened but I'll find your family, no matter what. Jungkook let out.
We'll also help you, Jhope said smiling at Mark. Mark too passed a weak smile to Jhope.
What are you thinking, Taehyung? Jin asked him making Taehyung snap out of his thoughts.
Huh? Nothing. Taehyung uttered awkwardly.
But first we have to know what's her weakness. Jimin said.

Other's pov; (at a different place)
Mark, Mark is her weakness. A man said all dressed up in a black suit in a dark room.
Target him, she'll come to us begging.
That man said to one of his men.
And make sure you don't kill Mark, just injure him. That man said and gestured his man to leave the room.
Just wait and watch, Kim Y/n. How I'm gonna break you. That man let out a vicious chuckle.

Why did you call me this late in the night here? Y/n asked in annoyance.
I have something important to tell you. A man said standing in front of her.
Jungkook and others alongwith Mark are planning against you.
And why are you telling me this? When you yourself are a part of them? Y/n asked with raised brows.
I'm just repaying you for saving my life, just for this time. Taehyung replied staring straight in her eyes.
Is that so? That's why I think, why he's behaving strange all of a sudden. She let out an unknown chuckle. And then they both went silent for a few minutes.
Y/n; Taehyung.
Taehyung; Hmn.
Protect Mark with everything you have. I'll send my men to help you but do not let Mark go from your sight even for a minute and don't tell about this to anyone. Y/n said staring straight in his eyes.
I will, even if I have to sacrifice myself. I won't back off. Taehyung said and started leaving from there but y/n held his hand.
Don't die. She said and left his hand and started going from there.
But stopped in between and said; from tomorrow onwards, control your company by yourself Mr Kim
Taehyung. I'm returning all your companies to you guys. My men will deliver your property papers to you in the morning by 9:00 am.
Taehyung stood there staring at her retrieving back and uttered; You're so mysterious.

Next morning; at Taehyung's apartment.
I'm gonna live with you from today onwards. Mark said plopping himself on the sofa.
And what about them, Taehyung said pointing at eight armed buffed men dressed up in black suits.
They too, Mark said rolling his eyes.
Taehyung just sighed and plopped himself beside Mark.

At Jeon mansion;
What are you planning to do this time? Jungkook said in a stern voice.
What? Y/n replied shaping her nails with a filer.
You too know that. Jungkook glared at her through the mirror.
Nope, i don't. Y/n smirked at him.
About the companies. You returned it without any reason all of a sudden? Isn't that suspicious, Jaan? Jungkook raised his brows.
Y/n was going to say something but stopped in between and ran towards the bathroom. Jungkook too followed her from behind.
What happened? Jungkook asked, lifting her hair as Y/n was vomiting.
Let's go to the hospital. Jungkook said giving her towel.
No, it's not that serious. I would've eaten something which didn't suited me. It's not a big deal. She said and left the bathroom.
But, Jungkook said but she interrupted him. No but, I'm fine and if I face this problem again. I myself will go for a checkup. She said and took her clothes from the wardrobe and again entered the bathroom.
You better tell me if you feel sick. Jungkook shouted from outside the bathroom.
Y/n sighed and took out the pregnancy test kit. I hope it's not positive, atleast for now. She uttered.

After a few minutes;
Aaah, this fucking Jeon. I told him to use condom but that fucker said; I like it raw. She imitiated him.
I won't let anyone know about this for now. Not even Jeon or else, he won't let me do anything. Y/n said to herself and hided the pregnancy kit.

__Hey guys, let me know if this chapter was worth it or not___ thank you, have a nice day 💜

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