Business party

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Where do you think you are going? Jungkook said from behind Y/n who was going to exit the entrance door of the mansion.
But Y/n rolled her eyes and started wearing her shoes to go out.
After seeing her ignoring him, Jungkook marched towards her and pinned her to the nearby wall.
You better open this pretty mouth of yours when I ask you something, Jungkook whispered against her left cheek with gritted teeth.
Y/n hissed in pain due to his grip on her arms as he hit her there last night only.
After hearing her groan, Jungkook loosened his grip around her arms a little and said; you are not going anywhere, go back to the bedroom.

Upon listening to him, Y/n started laughing and then said; Do I look like a little kid to you? That I'll do whatever you want without any argument?
Yes, you'll do whatever I want. Jungkook whispered against her neck inhaling her scent.

Then, stop me if you can. Y/n said and kicked him on his little junior making him lose his grip around her and fall on the ground holding his member in pain.
Jeon Y/n, nobody will be able to save you from me today. Jungkook shouted at her who just left the mansion smirking at him.

It's been a while, Father. Y/n said entering the Kim mansion.
Oh my god, my sweetheart. Are these belt marks on your arms? Mrs Kim approached her daughter.
Yeah they are, Y/n replied and sat on the sofa comfortably.
Did Jungkook do this to you? Mrs Kim asked with little anger in her voice.
She deserves that, Mr Kim said and left from there towards his room.
Y/n just chuckled in return and closed her eyes resting her back on the back of the sofa.
Wait here I'll bring something to eat for you and don't mind him. Mrs Kim said and y/n just nodded her head in return.

How is she? Y/n asked Mrs Kim, eating dinner.
She's safe and fine, you just focus on finding him. I'll protect her, Mrs Kim said caressing her daughter's hair.
I'll leave tonight only, after seeing her. Y/n said and again started eating her food.
Mrs Kim just nodded her head in return.

Did you miss me, little thing? Y/n said holding Sana in her arms.
Lo-ve, Sana said and started giggling at Y/n.
Mrs Choi called me this morning. Mrs Kim said caressing Sana's head.
Does she need anything? Y/n asked.
Kwan is missing you and is persisting to meet you, continuously.
Is that so? Y/n chuckled.

As Y/n entered the Jeon mansion. The whole mansion was dark, nobody was there.
Y/n slowly went to the switch board to turn on the lights but a hand held her from behind and pushed her to the nearby couch making Y/n groan in pain.
Today you tried to harm the source of our future generation, Jaan. Jungkook whispered against her ear, hovering upon her.
You better control yourself Jeon, Y/n said and tried to push him but to no avail. He didn't budge even an inch and licked her earlobe.
As his lips touched her earlobe, a shiver went through her spine making her let out a low moan.
Jungkook smirked against her ear and moved to her neck and placed a soft smooch there.
Y/n was trying hard to resist him but he was making it hard for her by teasing her with those soft kisses all over her neck and cleavage.
But Y/n couldn't hold herself when his hand went to her sensitive part. She wrapped her arms around his neck and started moaning his name softly making him smirk at her.
He was rubbing her vagina softly making her totally lose her mind. She slowly started unbuttoning his shirt but he held her hand and smirked at her.
You better not Jeon, Y/n warned him but did it affect him? Not even a bit.
He stood up from her and went from there like that, leaving her aroused.
You fucker Jeon Jungkook, She shouted and threw the pillow aggressively on the ground.
It's your punishment for hitting my junior, Jaan. Jungkook shouted back from the bedroom.
Y/n let out a frustrated groan and went towards the bedroom.

It's been two months since Jungkook hit Y/n with the belt that night. Everything is going normal, just Jimin has pleaded Y/n to let him meet his daughter once but Y/n always ignores his pleadings. Jungkook always behaves rudely with her and has started ignoring her.

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