Forgive me

65 5 2

Jungkook's pov;
As I saw her coming towards me I was starstruck, she was looking so hot in that purple dress. I just wanted to hug her tightly but here, I'm standing with this annoying girl Aanya as her fiance.

When I heard her say, Happy Birthday Mr Jeon Jungkook. I was taken back. It felt like someone had stabbed me straight in my heart. She never called me with my full name. It's either Jeon or kook.

Her face had that smirk but her eyes, they were like an open book to me.
It hurt me to see her like that.

When I dragged her into that room, she asked me if I was faking it all and trust me for once, I wanted to tell her everything. I wanted to tell her how much I love her but again my hands are tied.

And when she said that I played with her heart, I just wanted to die rather than listening to that.

When she was leaving the hall. I saw, how she crushed that glass and those pieces of glass were stuck in her hand which pierced my heart. I wanted to run to her but I couldn't.
I will never forgive myself for doing that to her.
I will never forgive myself for breaking my Jaan's heart.
And again that day started flashing in my mind.

Flashback; the next day after dinner with Jungkook's father.
Jungkook was having breakfast.
His father approached him making Jungkook greet him.

Morning father, said Jungkook with a smile on his face.
Good morning my son, his father replied and sat on his chair.

As Mr Jeon was having breakfast, jungkook asked him.
Did you like her, father?
Mr Jeon; who? Y/n?
Jungkook; yes Y/n.
Forget about her,my son. She can't be our family member.
Jungkook; what do you mean by, she can't be our family member?

Mr Jeon; breakup with her.
Jungkook; and why would I do that when I love her so much?

Her father is a Mafia, her mother is a ruthless killer and she being their only daughter is going to inherit their post, that is the next Mafia Queen.

They are criminals and I'll never let my son marry a girl like her.

She is not a criminal, and you don't dare call her that, Jungkook shouted slamming his hands on the dining table.

So, now you're raising your voice on your father for that girl huh? Who you know hardly for months?

Yes and I will not tolerate anything against her.
I don't care if you agree or not. I will marry her and only her. Jungkook said with anger in his voice and started leaving from there but halted after listening to what his father said next.

Choose one,"Me or her" Jeon Jungkook.
And if you choose her then I swear on your dead mother I'll kill myself. Mr Jeon shouted from behind him.

Upon listening to him Jungkook fell on his knees.

I know my son, it will hurt you but I'm doing it for your sake and I have found a girl for you.
My best friend Hyeon's daughter Baek Aanya.
But Jungkook ignored him and ran towards his room and locked himself.

Next day at college;
Kook, why didn't you came yesterday? And didn't even pick my calls, hmn.
Y/n asked him, folding her hands in front of her chest.
Let's go on the rooftop, said jungkook and left for the rooftop.
Y/n confusedly followed him.

At the rooftop;
Let's breakup, said Jungkook.
Y/n; huh?
Jungkook; I want a break up with you.
Y/n; Stop it Jeon, it's not a topic to joke on.
Jungkook; I'm not joking. I'm dead serious.
Y/n; did your father said something?
Jungkook; No, I just lost my interest in you and I've found a girl for me who i really love.
Y/n just chuckled and the next moment pinned him to the wall holding his collar.

Her sinful soul__a J.Jk ffWhere stories live. Discover now