Jungkook's possessiveness

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The summer holidays have ended and the month of July has begun.
Students are once again rushing in the university.
Jimin is waiting for his bestie with Jungkook beside him.

Hey guys I'm here, Y/n shouted from the crowd of students.
Jimin; It's been twenty minutes since we are waiting for you, bish.
Yeah he's right, Jungkook said with an annoyed face.
Y/n; so what, now you can't even wait for me?
They both rolled their eyes and started walking towards the building.

Watsup y/nie, Namjoon asked side hugging her.
Y/n; just living that boring life without my sweetheart and video games.
And who's your sweetheart? Jungkook asked with raised eyebrows.

My new boyfriend, Y/n said and ran towards the college building laughing hard.
You little kitten, come here. Jungkook shouted and chased her.

As Y/n was running in the corridor, Students were admiring her because it was the first time they saw her all giggly.

Caught you, now who'll save you from me "Jaan", said Jungkook putting her on his shoulder.
Y/n; I was talking about my bike kook, now leave me.
But he didn't listen to her and took her to the rooftop.
When Y/n tried to get free from his hold, he spanked her.
Y/n; ouch, it hurts Jeon.
Jungkook just smirked at her.

At the rooftop;
As they reached the rooftop, they halted at their place after seeing the scene in front of them.
Jungkook gently let go of Y/n.
Their mouths were wide open due to the shock which they got just now.

Suga was making out with a girl there.
Oh my eyes, Jimin said from behind Jungkook and Y/n.
After listening to his voice, Suga immediately diverted his gaze towards them.
He was shocked, would be an understatement.
He immediately departed from that girl and threw that girl's top at her face and said; wear it and leave from here.
Y/n has covered Jungkook's eyes a long ago with her hands.

Wtf guys, Suga said with irritation in his voice.
We should be the one asking you that, Min yoongi. Jimin and Jungkook both said together.
Y/n just smirked at him and held that girl's hand when she was passing by her.
And What she did next made everyone present there stunned and widen their eyes.
Y/n slapped that girl hard and held her hair in her fist.
After seeing her, Suga raged and marched towards her but Jungkook held him from behind.
Control your hands yoongi, that's my woman not any random girl.
And what about my girl? Who she just slapped without any reason, said Suga.

Y/n just let out a bitter chuckle and tightened her grip on that girl's hair making that girl let out a painful cry.

Are you going to tell him by yourself or want me to use my way, Y/n shouted at her face.

Yoongi; Yaah! Jimin, stop her.
She's doing the right thing hyung, Jimin said while sitting on a nearby seat watching the show with a smirk on his face.

That girl; What did I do that you're doing this to me.
Y/n; So you want me to use my ways, hmn.

And then Y/n dragged her to the end of the rooftop and hanged that girl there.

Are you out of your mind? Suga shouted with anger in his voice and tried to get free from Jungkook's hold.

Jimin and Jungkook both were too stunned to see her doing that.

Y/n; It's my last warning, Are you telling the truth or want me to let go of you?
That girl; I'll tell you everything just take me up, please.
Yoongi; Yoona baby don't be scared I'm here, I won't let her harm you.

Y/n just rolled her eyes and loosened her grip a little on that girl.
Yoona got terrified and let out those words which made Yoongi fall on his knees.
Yoona; I am not in love with him. I was just using him and here is a hidden camera too which me and my friends put to bring down his reputation in whole college.
And why you did that, yoongi shouted at her.
Yoona; because you rejected my best friend "Sayura", she loved you so much but you didn't even spare a glance at her. So to take revenge from you, me and my friends made this plan.

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