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Two months have passed since Jungkook punished Y/n for making him jealous. Everything is going normal. Y/n visits Sana everyday without anyone knowing. Jungkook and Jimin are still searching for Sana. Yoongi too used his contacts but all in vain.

Y/n! Y/n! Where are you? A voice echoed in the living room of Jeon mansion.
Stop tearing my eardrums in early morning, Mark. Y/n said coming from the kitchen.
I won Y/n, I won the championship. Mark shouted and lifted her in his arms swirling her around.
Really? Oh my mine, Y/n smiled widely at him.
Will you let go of my wife. Jungkook said coming towards them.
As Y/n saw Jungkook her face again turned into a stern one.
Too possesive, aren't we? Mark said putting Y/n on the floor gently.
Jungkook cleared his throat and looked towards Y/n who was staring at him with raised brows.
Ask whatever you want. A private jet, bungalow, car, company, a mall, whatever it is. Just put your hand on it. I'll give it to you. Y/n said and sat on the sofa.
Will you? Mark said with desperation in his voice.
Yes I will, Y/n replied.
Upon listening to her, a wide smile spread on his face.
My mom and sister, I want my family. Mark uttered with hope in his voice.
But that hope didn't last long and turned into rage.
Don't cross your line, Mark. You too know that it can't happen. Ask for anything else. Y/n said and started leaving from there.
Why? Why? Just why? I can't have my family. Why can't I live happily with them. Why am I not allowed to meet them? Why? Mark shouted from behind her.
You better shut your mouth, Mark.
Y/n said with a low growl with clenched fists, back facing him.
Why should I? Huh? You are no one to keep me apart from my family. It's been nine years, you haven't even let me see their face. I can't stand it now. I want my family. Mark again shouted at her.
After listening to him Y/n lost her control and marched towards him.
You are my puppet nothing else and puppets are not allowed to ask their owner questions, raising voice is a far thing. Y/n snapped at him chocking him.
Jungkook was silently watching them without a word.
I'm not your puppet Miss Kim Y/n. Mark snapped at her.
Correction, Mrs Jeon Y/n. Jungkook interrupted in between.
Y/n glared at him and again diverted her gaze towards Mark who was boiling in anger.
From now onwards I break my ties with you and soon I will find my family too, do whatever you can. Mark growled at her and left from there, yanking her hand from his neck.
Stop Mark, you are not in your wits right now. Jungkook said holding his hand but Mark removed Jungkook's hand from his arm saying; I have never been this conscious before.
As Mark left the house, Y/n let out a grimace.

Two days have passed and no trace of him. Y/n said massaging her temples and called someone.
Hello, the person from other side said.
I want Mark's location in next two hours with every single detail of him for last two days. Y/n said.
Sure mam, the person from other side said.
In return, Y/n hummed and cut the call.
As Y/n was working on some files, someone knocked on her office door.
Come in, she said without diverting her gaze from the file.
The person has entered the office but is silent. It's been five minutes and he is still standing there staring at her.
Would you say something? Y/n said with a annoyed face and diverted her gaze towards that person.
Hamin? Y/n said with a shocked face and the next moment ran towards that person.
Oh my mine, you have become so muscular Hamin. It's been a decade since I saw you. Y/n said hugging him.
I can't breathe Y/naah, let go of me. Hamin said chuckling at his younger sister.
I got too excited, Y/n said breaking the hug.
I can see that, Hamin smiled at her.
So, when did you come back from LA? Y/n asked.
I landed in Korea two hours ago and directly came here to meet my beautiful sister. Hamin replied.
As they both were talking to each other sitting on the couch, Hamin started tickling her.
Stop, stop Hamin. I can't breathe. Y/n said giggling hard.
I won't stop, he tickled her more.

What the fuck is happening here? Jungkook said, entering the office. Hamin stopped tickling y/n and looked towards him.
It's not what you're thinking Jeon. Y/n said and stood up from the couch, Hamin too stood up but again sat on the couch with a jerk when Jungkook punched him on his face.
Jeon!, Y/n shouted at him and went towards Hamin but Jungkook held her from behind and threw her on his shoulder saying; you really love testing my patience. Huh?
And then he left from there with her on his shoulder.
Everyone is watching Jeon, let go of me. Y/n whisper shouted in his ear but he ignored her and moved towards the elevator.
Even if you beg for me to stop today, I won't listen to you Jaan. Jungkook spanked her butt.
Fuck you, Jeon. Y/n groaned in pain.
Not you, Jaan. I'll fuck you. He said and shoved her in his car.

Her sinful soul__a J.Jk ffWhere stories live. Discover now