Your Jaan💋

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I won't be able to pick you up for the party tonight as I have an important meeting. I'll directly meet you at the party at your father's house. Jungkook said eating his breakfast.
In return Y/n nodded her head and took a spoonful of cornflakes in her mouth.
Maya, you don't have to come to work for a month from tomorrow. I'm giving you a month off. Go and take care of your daughter, she needs you more. Y/n said looking at Jungkook.
Yeah, she's right. Your daughter has eye surgery. You must be with her. I've transferred 1 million won in your account for her treatment and if you need anything else just ask me or Jaan. Jungkook said looking at Maya who was now crying silently.
How do you know about my daughter? Maya asked wiping her tears.
I have my own ways. Y/n shrugged her shoulders.
Thank you so much Mr and Mrs Jeon, I will never forget your gratitude. Maya bowed to them.
In return they just nodded their heads and started eating their breakfast.

Mark, take this file to miss Shin and tell her that I want it to be completed by Friday.
And also go to the Kim mansion after that. Mother was calling you. Y/n said stretching her arms.
And what about you? Mark asked.
I'll be there by 6 or 7 pm. She replied typing something on her laptop.
Mark nodded his head and opened the door of the office. As Mark opened the door, a man was standing there.
Who are you? And how did you get here? Mark asked the unknown man in front of him.
I'm lee Jun, that man replied and tried to enter the office but Mark blocked him.
You can't go inside. You have to take an appointment to meet her.
Let him in, Mark. I called him. Y/n said without diverting her gaze from the laptop screen.
Mark rolled his eyes and left from there glaring at the man.
Why are you following me? Mark said with annoyance in his voice to the armed bodyguards around him.
Because Y/n mam ordered us to do so. One of the bodyguards replied making Mark to clench his jaw.

How's Smith? Y/n asked and looked towards him.
Still can't walk. Jun replied and sat in front of her.
So, he can't come to the party tonight? Y/n let out a frustrated sigh.
Jun; Yeah, he can't but I have an Idea.
Y/n; What?
We'll set a camera at the entrance and one in the hall. So that we could capture every single person's footage and later we'll show it to Smith to recognise that bastard. Jun said looking at her.
Perfect, let's go then and install cameras in the mansion. Y/n said picking her phone and coat.

What's up old man? Y/n said entering the mansion with Jun behind her.
Mr Kim just rolled his eyes and again diverted his gaze towards the newspaper.
Oh you're here, my sweetheart. Mrs Kim had a bucket of fresh strawberries in her hands. Y/n took a strawberry from the bucket and ate it.
Mhm, tasty as always. Y/n groaned taking another strawberry from the bucket.
Who is this, darling? Mrs Kim asked her pointing towards Jun.
He's here to add some 3D lightings to make the decoration more beautiful. Y/n replied.
Oh, I see. Mrs Kim said and smiled at Jun.
In return Jun bowed to Mrs Kim.
Jun follow me, I'll instruct you where you have to fix the lighting. Y/n said and moved towards the entrance of the mansion.

Oh, that's the reason why she called that man. I thought she was again plotting something. Mark mumbled to himself looking at Y/n and Jun.
Did you say something? Hamin asked beside him.
In return Mark just shrugged his shoulders and said; nothing, let's go. We've a lot on our plates.

On the other hand Jungkook's pov;
Sir I have searched the whole mansion but there's nothing and no-one. One of my men said on the earpiece.
Even here's no sign of anyone and no clue. Jaspher too said on the earpiece making me frustrated.
Where have you kept them, Jaan? We have searched every single mansion of yours. There's nothing in Busan's mansion too. I sighed and kicked the cupboard in anger due to which something dropped from above the cupboard. It was an envelope. So, i picked it up and opened the envelope to see what was inside it. A letter? It can be informative, I thought and read the letter but after reading the letter my blood boiled in anger.
As I was trying to control my anger someone took that letter from my hand making me snap my head towards him.
No hyung, don't you dare read that letter. I warned Jin Hyung but he didn't listen to me and read the letter aloud and started laughing his ass off along with Jimin and Taehyung.

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