The truth unraveled

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Hmm, what should I wear today? This one or this one. Y/n held two outfits on her both hands in front of the mirror.
I'm so confused, baby. Y/n said looking at her belly.
Your papa prefers dark colours over light. So, let's wear something black than these. She said and turned around to go to the closet.
As Y/n was going towards the closet, her phone rang making her hault on her steps.
Who's it, she said to herself and moved towards the nightstand where her phone was placed and picked up the phone to see who called her.
Hello? What is it, Jun? She said.
Smith has recognised that man. Jun replied making Y/n to widen her eyes.
Are you saying the truth? Did he really recognise him? Y/n asked with desperation in her voice.
Yes, he really recognised him and he is saying that he is hundred percent sure that it's HIM. Jun said from the other side of the call.
Ok then, I'll be there in twenty minutes. Just wait for me. Y/n said and cut the call.
Oh my mine, finally the wait is over. The bastard who has been hiding from me for almost nine years is going to be revealed now. Now, I will give him a merciless death that his seven generations soul will shiver.
Y/n said with a psychotic expression and went towards her closet hurriedly and wore whatever came in her hands.
Y/n is coming here in twenty minutes. Jun said to Smith who was sitting on the bed with his back resting on the headboard.
How she's gonna react after knowing that her own-- before Smith could say any further a maid entered the room with a tray in her hands.
Sir, your soup and medicines. The maid said placing the tray on the stool beside Smith.
Ok, you can leave now. Jun said to the maid.
The maid nodded her head and left from there.
As Smith was taking his medicines after finishing the soup. His room's door burst opened making him and Jun flinched.
Jun; What the--- but he stopped in the middle after seeing his boss's face who was glaring at him.
Gulp your medicines fast and show me that bastard's photo which you recognised as him. Y/n said sitting on the couch with authority.
Her aura was so dangerous which made both the male nervous in her presence.
It's been thirteen minutes since you ate your medicines. Y/n said looking straight in Smith's eyes.
Both Jun and Smith exchanged glances with fear in their eyes.
Now you guys are testing my patience. She said with a hint of anger in her voice.
Umm it-it-it-it's. Smith stuttered.
It-it-it-it's What? Y/n shouted making him lower his gaze in fear.
It's your brother, yes it's Kim Hamin. He's the one you've been searching for years. Jun said in one go and looked towards Y/n.
How dare you blame my brother who wasn't even in this country? Y/n shouted and marched towards Jun.
You couldn't find that bastard so you tried to frame my innocent brother. Huh? Y/n growled at him choking him.
He is saying the truth. Your brother was the one who forced me to kill your friend and ra-pe-d my daughter. Smith uttered with a saddened voice.
Y/n furiously snapped her face towards Smith.
You both, do you wanna die? Y/n said pushing Jun making him hit the wall behind him.
He groaned in pain and said; your brother never left the country. He was here only, in Seoul with a fake identity and I have proof too. Jun said and moved towards his bag.
As Y/n saw the proof against her brother, she got out of words and stood still for straight two minutes.
I--- before Jun could complete his sentence, Y/n turned around and left the room in anger.
As Y/n entered the Jeon mansion, one of the guards approached her.
Are you alright ma'am? Your hands are trembling. He asked.
Y/n; Leave.
Huh? That guard asked confusedly.
I said LEAVE. Y/n shouted at him making him flinch at her sudden outburst.
I want everyone to leave this house right now or I will shed every single person's blood here without any mercy. She again shouted and moved towards the living room.
Everybody left from there within two minutes for the sake of their lives. Only one maid was left. As she was exiting the main door Y/n stopped her.
First turn off the lights of this whole mansion and then get out of here. Y/n said with a deep scary voice.
The maid did as Y/n told her and left the mansion hurriedly.

Silence has taken place in the whole mansion with darkness all around.
Y/n has been staring at the dinning table for fifteen minutes now.

Why? Why? Why? Just Why? Y/n screamed and threw the chair beside her on the table breaking the glass.
Why I have to suffer like this? What have I done to deserve this? I can't take it anymore, it hurts. It hurts like hell. She said and started throwing whatever came in her hands, on the floor.
That day also, i didn't send that man to kill Sana. I was forced. I was forced to say that I sent him.
That day a message came on my phone when I was in my office. It was from that bastard who is my own brother. He threatened me with Jimin's life. He had his men behind my bud. He sent me the pics as proof. I was helpless. I can't even imagine hurting that poor soul, killing is a far thing. Y/n said and moved towards the kitchen and again started throwing everything that came in her hands.
And about Mark's father's death, that fucker deserved it and I have no guilt in killing him.
That day, when I arrived at Mark's house. I was stunned to see the scene in front of me. That bastard Choi was beating Aunty Choi mercilessly. Her whole body was bruised up badly. And Iseul, that poor soul was shivering in fear in a corner. Her forehead was bleeding too.
He had a knife on his hand. He was going to stab Aunty Choi but I was quick to hold his hand and snatch that knife from him.
Y/n please my daughter please save my Iseul. This man is selling her to the man who ra-ra-raped her. Aunty Choi said with her hands joined in front of me.
When I heard the word rape, a shiver ran through my spine. I was beyond shock.
And when I was helping aunty Choi to stand up, that Choi pushed me on the floor and tried to hit me saying; Don't interefere between us or I'll kill you too with her.
After listening to him, I couldn't control myself and slit his throat.
And then I moved towards Aunty Choi. He deserved that, you did the best thing by killing him. Aunty Choi said to me.
Iseul too came near me to help her mother as her condition was not so good.
There was a boy in Iseul's University, he was her seatmate.
He used to behave strangely with her, she always felt uncomfortable under his gaze. And one day that guy proposed her which she rejected politely. After that, that guy didn't show up for a whole month but One day when Iseul was on her way back home from her college that man approached her. He was again asking her to be his girlfriend but Iseul denied which triggered him. So, that man forcefully dragged her to his car and then raped her in his car. She was shouting for help. She tried every single way to save herself but couldn't. And when he was done forcing himself on her, he threw Iseul in front of her house wrapped only in a blanket type cloth. That guy even threatened them that he will kill Mark, if they don't hand Iseul to him but this greedy man Mr Choi, he offered him his daughter in exchange for 10 million dollars. Mark was unaware of all of this as he was out of the city, when that horrible incident took place. Mrs Choi told me.
And Iseul was two weeks pregnant too. So, I sent them to my mother's secret hideout that day.
When my mother's bodyguards took both Mrs Choi and Iseul with them safely. I went towards that fucker Choi. He was still alive. So, i dragged him to the rooftop and threw him from there and when I looked down, Mark was standing there staring at me with hate in his eyes which broke me.
Since then, I've been hiding the Choi family and now Sana too. To keep them safe from that raper who is my own fucking brother. Y/n said and threw the glasses on the floor shattering them into pieces and then she moved towards the living room
And fell on the floor on her knees.
Not only Sana and Choi family but I'm trying to save every single person who is dear to me from that Hamin.
Iseul is happy with her son Kwan who is seven years old now. But that fucker Hamin wants both of them which I'll never let to happen.
I've never killed anyone without any reason. They all were bastards who raped women, killed innocent people and transported children to other countries just for some money.

I also had dreams like others. I too wanted a happy life, a happy life with my JEON. I wanted to become a doctor but my very own brother made me a monster. A monster who everyone hates.
I never wanted this Mafia life but I was helpless.
Why God? Why? Why can't I be happy with my Kook and friends. Y/n shouted and flipped the table in front of her.
As Y/n was sitting on the floor near the Sofa staring somewhere with blank eyes, a voice came from behind her making her snap her head towards that voice.
Mrs Park was standing there with her phone's flashlight on. Tears were flowing nonstop from her eyes. (Y/n haven't let a single drop of tear fell from her eyes because she has forgotten how to cry a long ago, only Mark has seen her tears once).
You? Y/n whispered looking in Mrs park's eyes.
Did you? Before Y/n could say anything further, Mrs park rushed towards her and engulfed her in a tight hug.
Yes, I heard everything. Mrs park said weeping hard putting her face on the crook of Y/n's neck.
Yo-u we-re try-in-g to sa-ve u-us bu-t w-e we-re bu-sy ha-ha-ti-ng yo-u. Mrs Park said in between her cries.
Calm down, it's not your fault. Y/n said caressing her back to stop her from crying.

It's been an hour since Y/n is caressing Mrs park's back to stop her from crying. They both are sitting on the floor hugging each other. Mrs Park has calmed down now.
Don't tell about this to anyone, anyone means not even Jimin. Y/n said with a deep stern voice.
In return Mrs park nodded her head and stood up from the floor and went towards the switch board to turn on the lights.
As she turned on the lights, she turned around but gasped after seeing the mess created by non other than our Y/n. Everything was shattered on the floor. Tables were thrown upside down. The chairs were broken. Glass, utensils and almost everything was on the floor ruined.
The maids are going to have a hard time cleaning this. Mrs Park said and moved towards Y/n who was now staring at her belly.
Stay with me, tonight. Y/n said and stood up from the floor and moved towards the stairs.
And also, cook something for me. There's a kitchen upstairs too. She said and went upstairs.
Upon listening to her, Mrs park chuckled and went behind her.

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