fear in her eyes

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I know you killed Mark's father and you have his sister and mother too, Jungkook said to her.
Upon listening to him flashbacks started hitting in her mind, making her fall on her knees.
After seeing her state, Jungkook let out a satisfactory chuckle and moved towards her and bent to her level.

Jungkook's pov;
When I told her that I know that she killed Mark's father, she fell on her knees. Her hands were trembling badly. And when I looked in her eyes, something twitched in me. It was fear, I was taken back. I have seen every single emotion in her eyes but fear. I don't know how but my hands automatically went to the back of her neck and the next moment I hugged her tightly.
Calm down Jaan, breathe just breathe. I told her and she did as I told her to do.
I wanted to ask her the reason behind that fear in her eyes but when I opened my mouth nothing came out.
And the next moment she pushed me and ran out of the room.
I shouted her name but she didn't listen to me. So, I ran behind her but when I went downstairs. She was not there.
End of Jungkook's pov;

How he get to know about Mark's father? Just how? Y/n shouted hitting the steering wheel and raced her car.
No he can't know that, he can't. Not only him, nobody must know about that or it will-- no no Y/n, don't think that. He just knows that you killed Mr Choi but he doesn't know the reason. Calm down and think Y/n think. Y/n said to herself and again raced her car at an inhuman speed.

Slow down your car Jeon Y/n, Jungkook shouted from his car beside her but she ignored him and accelerated her car. Have you lost your mind? Just stop it, Jaan.
But she just smirked at him and moved ahead.
Fuck, muttered Jungkook and raced his car behind her.
As Y/n was racing her car at an insane speed, a car came from in front of her making her pull the brakes and drift her car to the right so that she doesn't hit that car.
As Y/n came out of her car, the owner of that car rushed towards her and hugged her tightly.
Are you insane bud? What if something would have happened to you? Huh? Jimin shouted at her.
But Y/n didn't say anything and stared in the man's eyes who was fuming in anger in front of her.
Say something goddamnit, Jimin again shouted and parted from her.
Just wanted to play with my life, Y/n replied and started moving towards her car but Jungkook held her hand and threw her on his shoulder saying; today I'll teach you how to obey your husband so that you never do this shit again.

As they reached Jeon mansion, Mrs park ran towards them and asked; are you ok miss Kim?
Yes I am, all credits to your dear husband. Y/n said with sarcasm in her voice. And it's Y/n for you not miss Kim, she said.
Everyone, get out of here in two minutes. Jungkook shouted at the workers.
And you take Sana with you for tonight, Jungkook said to Mrs park.
What? No, said Y/n and tried to take Sana from Mrs park but Jungkook held her hand and again shouted; Didn't you hear to get out of here?
And in next thirty seconds everyone left the mansion. Now Jungkook and Y/n were only left alone in the Mansion.
Jungkook lifted Y/n and moved towards their bedroom.

What the hell is this, Jeon? Y/n shouted at him but he didn't listen to her and cuffed her hands to the bed.

If you want me to go easy on you then, make sure to scream harder Jaan. Jungkook said with a vicious smirk on his face and started unbuttoning his shirt staring straight in her eyes.
Don't you dare Jeon, I'm warning you. But did he listen to her? Not even for a second.
Jungkook slowly hovered over her and started stripping her and the next moment they both were naked staring at each other.
Fuck, I can't control myself now. Jungkook let out and dimmed the lights. Are you ready Jaan, he said looking in her eyes but she didn't say anything and rolled her eyes.
You'll look more beautiful rolling these eyes when I'll enter in you and I know you want me too. Jungkook said and started kissing her aggressively.
First Y/n resisted him but then gave in.
Yeah just like that, faster faster. Y/n said to him. And Jungkook raised his pace and started thrusting harder in her making her scream.
Yaah fucking Jeon, release my hands. Y/n growled with irritation in her voice.
Jungkook just chuckled at her annoyed face and said; it's your punishment, darling and started sucking and biting her neck to her cleavage making her moan his name.
Oh fuck, this piercing on your navel always drives me crazy. Jungkook groaned sucking her stomach, grabbing her hips. Y/n just let out a frustrated moan; I'll take my revenge, just wait you fucker.
Jungkook laughed and again entered in her and kissed her lips, suppressing her screams.

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