End of suffering

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Aaaahhhh, a gut wrenching scream echoed in the whole building.
Stop-stop, please stop. I beg you, my sister. Hamin let out a painful cry as Y/n slaughtered his left arm with a sharp sword.
Sister? Huh? Y/n scoffed at him and took a baseball bat from the floor. (there were so many different types of weapons, lying on the floor which belonged to Hamin's men who Y/n killed a while ago)
Y/n wanted to scream at him, curse him but when she opened her mouth nothing came out of it. It was like someone had grabbed her tongue.

Her heart was wrenching each passing second cause after all he was still her brother but the sympathy didn't last long when Iseul's broken face, Sana's cry when she saw her mother, Mark's hateful eyes, Taehyung's sad smile, her bud's teary eyes and lastly her Jeon's face flashed in front of her.
Her eyes turned dark, they were hungry, hungry for the bastard's blood who was sitting in front of her. Who is the cause of her misery.
An evil smile plastered on her face, looking at the pathetic being in front of her begging for his life but did it affect her? Not even a bit.

She swung the bat in the air and hit his head with it. Again a scream left his mouth, making her insides jump in excitement. So, she again hit the bat on his wounded right arm.
His screams were music to her ear. Her aura was so psychotic with that wicked smile on her face.

Do you know brother? In all these years, I've developed a really bad habit. Whenever I torture people, their screams flusters my heart making me do worst things to their bodies so that I can hear their screams more. Y/n said picking up a knife from her right side.

Upon listening to her, Hamin started trembling in fear and dragged himself backwards making her chuckle at his useless attempt of escaping.
Hamin let out a scream when Y/n dug that knife in his right leg and twisted it.
This is for ruining Iseul's life. Y/n growled at him, stabbing his right thigh. This is for turning me into a monster. She stabbed his left leg. This is for making me keep Mark apart from his own family. She stabbed his stomach making the blood ooze out of his mouth.
And This is for raping and then killing that poor girl Sarah. Y/n screamed at him and stabbed his chest.
As Y/n raised her hand to slit his throat, someone shouted her name from behind making her stop and look towards him.
Get out of here, Mark. Y/n snarled at him but he ignored her and moved towards her with rage filled eyes.
He was holding a gun in his right hand.
Y/n rolled her eyes and again turned towards Hamin but Mark turned her around with a jerk and pointed the gun on her forehead.

Yes Mark, kill her. kill her, or she will kill all of us. She even tied your mother with a bomb attached to her. Hamin shouted from behind her.

You have caused a lot of damage to me, to my family and friends, to all of us. I'm gonna end our suffering today by kil-ling yo-u. Mark stuttered at last words.
Y/n was just blankly staring at him. She has always noticed his broken eyes longing for his mother's love, his sister. She has always heard him cry the whole night for his family, leaning on his room's door.
She was always there to look after him, secretly but what about her? No one tried to understand her. No one was there when she was broken, this much broken that she tried to end the suffering by cutting her veins but again the faces of the people who she is protecting till now came in front of her.
As she was remembering her past eight years of wretchedness, a shout hit her eardrums. It was his voice, her kook's voice.
She frantically diverted her gaze towards him and locked with his dark brown orbs.
There was a volcano of emotions going on in her mind, she just wanted to run in his arms. She was craving his warmth.
And out of sudden burst of different emotions of anger, yearning, suffering and many more.
A drop of tear escaped her eyes and then another, yes she cried. Cried for the first time in more than ten years.
Everything was blurred to her, just Jungkook's face was the only thing she focused on.
She fell on her knees, slowly her silent tears turned into light sobs and then into loud whimpers.
Mark was looking at her vulnerable state with his emotionless eyes but he was breaking inside, he wanted to embrace her in his arms but he resisted himself and again pointed his gun at her with trembling hands.

Jungkook's pov;
As Mrs Choi was telling me how my father tried to force himself on my Jaan, something twitched in me. And when she mentioned my mother, how he abused her mentally physically and se-x-ually. I swear, I wanted to go back to the time when he was alive and rip him apart with my own hands. Now, I remember that messed up living room. My Jaan did that to save herself from that mother fucker.

I've learned how to defuse bombs two years ago. So, it wasn't a big deal for me to defuse this one.
As I defused it, loud screams of a man hit my ears. It was like someone was torturing him brutally so I followed the voice to see who it was and I entered a hall.
When I looked forward, Mark was pointing a gun at someones forehead. To see the person in front of him, I tilted my head towards my left.
And when her face came in my view, I shouted at Mark to put the gun down.
I was going to move towards them but halted when she looked towards me. She locked her eyes with me.
This is the first time, she showed her emotions in her eyes or else they were always blank.
Her eyes were screaming for help, like she was drowning and couldn't come out.
I wanted to run towards her and hold her in my arms and say that I'm here, I'm here to save you my love.
When I took a step towards her, I saw a tear drop from her eyes and I swear my soul left my body. I froze at my place.
Her sobs pierced my heart. It was like someone had put thousands of needles in my heart.
Her loud whimpers were killing me each passing second. It was the first time, I saw tears in her eyes.
And what hurt me more? She was staring straight in my eyes with so much pain. It was breaking me.
How cruel you can be Jeon Jungkook? how cruel?
How can you beat her with a belt? How can you slap her? And how can you hang her upside down on a tree in that freezing weather? Just how? I screamed at myself, internally.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a gun loading sound and looked towards Mark with furious eyes.
I will burn you alive, Choi Mark if you dare shoot my wife. I shouted at Mark and strided towards him.
Stop, stop right there or I'll blow her head without hearing her last words. Mark shouted back.
Tears were threatening to spill out of Mark's eyes but he didn't let them.
End of Jungkook's pov;

Any last words? Mark said avoiding eye contact with her.
Look in my eyes, Mark. Y/n let out a choked sob making his already wretched heart more vulnerable.
I said look in my eyes, Choi Mark. This time Y/n growled at him.
And his eyes locked with hers in an instant.
Mark's index finger went to the trigger of the gun to shoot her and then the sound of three shots one by one, echoed in the whole building.
For a few minutes, everything went silent like there was nobody in the building but then a sob left from Mark's mouth.
He fell on his knees in front of Y/n and started crying loudly.
I can't, I can't kill you, I can't. I hate to admit it but you still have a place in my heart. Your twelve year old innocent face still comes in front of my eyes whenever I try to hate you. Mark said in between his cries.

She is still your that Y/n who you befriended fifteen years ago, my son. Mrs Kim said wiping her tears.

Yes Mrs Kim, she killed Hamin. Those three shots were shot on Hamin as he was going to shoot Y/n from behind.
I was blinded by a mother's love that I couldn't see how many innocent souls were suffering just because of Hamin. Mrs Kim uttered, crying hard.

Y/nnn, Jungkook shouted and ran towards her who just fainted.
Jaan, open your eyes. See, I'm here, your kook is here. Jungkook said caressing her cheek but she didn't even move a finger making him panic.
Nothing will happen to you, my love. I won't let anything happen to you. Jungkook lifted Y/n in his arms and rushed out of there.
Mark, he is not in his right mind go with them and drive the car to the hospital. I'll take care of this mess. Mrs Kim said looking at Jungkook's back who just exited the hall with
y/n, unconscious in his arms. Mark nodded his head and ran behind them.

___so guys, one last chapter after this and the story will be completed, i hope you enjoyed the chapter ___thank you 💜

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