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Sounds of a man screaming in pain could be heard in a room full of different types of weapons. And a maniac laugh is echoing in the whole room making the atmosphere creepy.
The man is hanging in the middle of the room with his hands tied above his head, his legs a little above the ground.
Sir, he has lost a lot of blood. He'll faint soon, I think you should start interrogating him now. Jaspher said looking at his boss who is busy putting salt and chilli in the cuts of that man which he gave a while ago.

Sure, pass me that cutter beside you on the table. Jungkook said giving the salt and chilli powder packets to Jaspher.
Jaspher did as he was told to.
If you do not answer my question for the first time then, I'll cut your fingers and both thumbs and if you don't answer my question the second time, I'll cut your tongue and ears. Jungkook said with a playful grin spinning the cutter around his fingers.

Who sent you? Asked Jungkook.
That man didn't reply, making Jungkook chuckle devilishly and the next moment that man's fingers and thumbs were lying on the floor.
Aaaah, that man let out a painful scream making Jungkook to widen his smirk.
Jungkook was going to cut that man's left ear but that man stopped him saying; I'll tell you, I'll tell you who sent me to kill that little girl. I'll tell you everything.

And what that man said next made Jungkook's blood boil. Jungkook lost his temper and started punching that man on his wounds making that man let out painful groans.
I swear to my pregnant wife that, it was Kim Y/n who ordered me to kill that little girl and she gave me a huge amount of money too. And if you don't believe me you can check the voice message on my phone.
Upon listening to him, Jungkook went towards the table where that man's phone was.
And when Jungkook heard the voice message, anger took over him. His eyes were bloodshot red. He threw the phone on the nearby wall making it shatter into pieces.
I never thought that you would stoop this low, Jaan that you would try to kill a little innocent soul just for your meaningless revenge. Jungkook muttered with gritted teeth.
Jaspher, wash this man's body and serve him to lyla alive. She'll feed on him after playing with him. Jungkook said and went into the bathroom to clean himself.
This time you played dirty, Jaan. Why? Why? Just why are you doing these things? Jungkook shouted and threw the hand soap dispenser at the mirror.

As Jungkook came out of his small hidden house in the forest. Lyla jumped on him and started licking his face making him chuckle at her.
Oh my daughter, did you miss daddy that much? Jungkook said caressing her paws.
Lyla just roared in return and nuzzled her face in his hands. (lyla is a lioness who jungkook raised since birth as her mother died after giving birth to her).

Time skip to night at Jeon mansion;
Y/n just entered the mansion after the hectic day at the office. She straightly went towards the kitchen and gulped a bottle of water in one go.
As she turned around to go towards her bedroom, a hard slap went across her left cheek making her face turn towards her right.
How dare you, Jeon? Y/n growled at his face and lifted her hand to punch him but he held her hand and twisted it behind her.
How dare you, Kim Y/n? How dare you? Jungkook snarled at her face.
Huh? Y/n said confusedly.
How dare you try to kill Sana? Jungkook snapped at her face, twisting her hand more.

So, you got to know that I sent that man to kill her. Y/n said with a smirk on her face.
Upon listening to her, Jungkook's eyes darkened and the next moment he pushed her on the floor causing the wound on her abdomen to bleed.
Y/n hissed in pain and tried to stand up but Jungkook held her hair making her face him.
You've always caused pain to others but today I'll show you what pain feels like. Jungkook said and dragged her towards the door of the basement.

As Jungkook was going to tie her to the chair, she stopped him in between saying; do whatever you want without tying me, I will not move even a finger. She was staring straight in his soul with some different emotions.
Jungkook didn't tie her and started unbuckling his belt without breaking the eye contact with her.

Her sinful soul__a J.Jk ffWhere stories live. Discover now