I won't forgive you mother

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The next noon;
Taehyung! Where is Taehyung. Y/n shouted running in the corridor of the hospital.
He's in the operation theatre, the doctors are still treating him. Jhope approached her.
Mark was standing a little far from them staring at the floor. His right arm was wrapped in bandages.
Where were the bodyguards when you were attacked. Y/n said with rage in her voice.
They died. Mark replied emotionlessly making Y/n to stumble backward.
As Y/n was going to fall backwards, someone held her from behind.
Careful, bud. Jimin said holding her in his arms. Mrs Park too came beside her and held her hand.
But she jerked them off and went towards the doctor who just came out of the operation theatre.

How's he? Can I meet him? Y/n asked the doctor desperately.
The doctor turned his gaze low in distress.
We can't say anything right now. He has lost a lot of blood. A bullet was shot just near his spine and one on his chest just near the heart. We are trying our best to save him but there are only ten percent chances that he might survive. The doctor replied.

Upon listening to him, Y/n's eyes darkened and the next moment she pinned him to the wall choking him.
How dare you say there is only ten percent chance? You are doctor, it's your duty to save him. Save him at any cost or die. I'm not warning you, I'm telling you. If anything happens to my brother, I will burn this whole hospital. She said pressing her hand more on his neck making the doctor tear up.
Stop it, Y/n. He can't breathe. Namjoon said holding her from behind making her lose her grip around the doctor's neck.
As she left the doctor's neck, he gasped for air and hurriedly went back in the operation theatre scared for his dear life.

Mark is still standing a little far from everyone zoning out.

Flashback Mark's pov;
Yaah! Taehyung, that's cheating. You can't do that. I shouted at him as he cheated on the video game.
Everything is fair in love and war my dear bro. He replied making me roll my eyes.
Whatever, I'm not playing anymore. I said and moved towards the kitchen.
Oh come on it's just a game, stop sulking. Taehyung followed me making me again roll my eyes.
As I was drinking water back facing him, he pushed me hard and the glass fell from my hand on the ground. It shattered into pieces and I too fell as he pushed me so hard. The glass pieces pierced my right arm making me groan in pain but I didn't care about my arm and looked towards Taehyung.
Blood was oozing out of his chest making me scream in fear but I lost my mind when another bullet shot on his back making him fall on the ground with a thud sound.
Why? Why did you do that, you fucker? Why you got shot on my place? Why? I shouted at him.
But in return that dork just smiled at me saying; you're my bro, I can die hundred times to save you.
As I was lifting him up, someone attacked me from behind making me lose my grip around Taehyung.
Rage took over me. There was a knife in front of me on the kitchen counter. So, I picked it up and directly slit that man's neck.
When I peeked outside from the kitchen's window I saw our bodyguards lying there dead.
So, i dragged Taehyung behind the kitchen counter to hide him and took that man's gun who I just killed.
Be strong Taehyung. I won't let anything happen to you, my brother.
As I moved to the living room, I saw a man standing there.
Kneel down or I'll shoot you. That man said pointing the gun at me.
In return, I just smirked at him and threw a vase placed beside me at his hand making the gun fall from his hand.
When that man bent to pick up the gun, I shot him.
And like that, I killed every single man who came to kill me.
After killing those bastards, I rushed towards Taehyung.
Flashback ends;

It's because of me. I'm the reason why he's there lying on that bed, fighting for his life. I should be the one who would be dying not him. Mark bursted in tears and fell on his knees on the floor.
It's not your fault, Mark. Calm down, don't say that. He saved you because he loved you. You are his best friend, man. He sacrificed himself for you. Don't lose yourself like this or he won't be pleased to know that his best friend is blaming himself for this. Suga said hugging him.
What do you mean by sacrificing? He is alive, nothing is going to happen to him. Do you hear that. Y/n shouted and left from there furiously.
As Mrs park was going behind her, Jimin held her hand.
No, darling. Don't go behind her. She's not in her senses right now. She might harm you.
No Jimin no, I can't leave her like that. She needs someone beside her right now and even Jungkook is also not here. I can't leave her alone. Mrs Park said and ran behind Y/n.
Aarh these women, Jimin sighed frustratedly and ran behind Mrs park.

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