American pie

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We're staying at the  Weasley's this year for Christmas.

Everyone said it would be safest if the order will stay together in these times.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Ben and I arrive at the house.

We all immediately walk to the kitchen to greet everyone.

I drop my suitcase to the ground as soon as I see her.

Both Ben and I run to her like our lives depend on it; like we couldn't breathe ever since we left for school, and her hug will cure our damaged lungs.

We both jump on her for the well needed hug.

It's strange, Ben is already taller then the both of us.

"I missed you so much." I hear her voice slightly breaking as tears come up both mine and her eyes.

This will be our second Christmas without our sister. Our first without Sirius.

I used to love Christmas, but now, I don't so much anymore. This holiday is one full of pain, full of grief.

"How are you?" I ask Ella.

"Honestly," she sighs, "not so good. I miss Cedric, I miss Cheryl, I even miss Sirius. I miss you two even when you're here. I miss Hogwarts..." I look into her eyes. The once happy and bubbly girl looks
devastated and exhausted. All of us look like this.

"You shouldn't miss it." I tell her.

We begin walking upstairs so Ben and I could lay our things in our rooms.

"Yeah, Hogwarts doesn't feel the same. Everything's shit." Ben agrees with me.

"Only because I'm not there." She jokes.

The three of us sit out in the snow to smoke and talk.

Ella also grabs some whisky to warm our throats.

"How are you two?" She asks.

I sigh, not sure if I should even speak.

"Things are awful, Ells. I mean, I- we both," I speak for Ben and I, "and I'm sure it's you as well; we're in pain, Ells. With everything that happened... you know, it's just... impossible." I say.

"What's impossible?" She questions.

"It's impossible to function," Ben responds, "school is impossible... just everything." He takes a hit from his cigarette.

Silence fills the air as snow begins falling on us.

"Ben... wrote to me about that... poem you read to him, the one you two made to be about Cheryl." Ella states.

I breathe deeply, "Uh... yeah, I love poetry. It's all I have been reading recently. Helps me cry sometimes." I admit to them.

"Even I started reading a bit, it reminds me of her." Both Ella and I look at Ben in aw, she loved reading.

"Well, maybe you could read some poetry to us, then." Ella smiles at me.

"Yeah, I'd like that too." Ben agrees.

With a turn of my wrist a book appears in my hand.
By now wandless magic is a specialty of mine.

I open the book at a random page, and begun reading to them: "well, here it is; 'you are shaking fists and trembling teeth. I know; you did not mean to be cruel. That does not mean you were kind.' Here is another one; 'what is love? The way the sun sets so the moon can shine. The sea greeting the shore no matter how many times he is pushed away. Leaves that blush at the sight of autumn. Dreams that show you the way out of your maze. Our hearts together so we may remember the tune. This is how love might feel for most people, but for me, love is simply you'."
Ben speaks up and I stop.

"She would have loved this." He says.

Ella begins snickering, "She would have been like; 'how is it that I never thought to write something like this?'" We all laugh lightly as Ella imitates her.

"This is our first Christmas without Sirius as well, isn't it?" Ben questions, I feel tears coming up my eyes, and one falling down my cheek.

"Yeah, it is." I sniff.

"Remember that time we were with him and he begun singing that song?" Ella questions.

"Yeah, he wouldn't stop. He said it was addicting and that he couldn't." I laugh through my tears.

"Why won't we listen to it as well while you read? We don't have anything better to do." Ben suggests and chugs some whisky.

"Yeah, it's way too quiet out here anyways, what's it called?" Ella asks me.

"American pie"

She enters the house and comes back out after a few moments. She has a little device in her hand. She enchants it and it begins playing the song.

"'I could not fathom this, at first. How could you not want to draw breath one more day? How could your own life be such a cheap commodity? But then I started to understand: when your existence is hell, death must be heaven'." I finish reading the poem.

"That's deep." Ella sighs.

"Yeah, maybe we should just listen to the song." I chuckle.

"It's eight fucking minutes." Ben snickers.

"Oh, come on." I stand up and reach out my hand for him to take. He grabs it, and stands up with me.

I begin singing and dancing with him.

"So, bye, bye Miss American pie..."

As the song begins to be happier, Ella stands up as well. We begin dancing, spinning each other around and jumping in the snow.

"When the words; 'Oh, and while the king was looking down, the jester stole his thorny crown' come, Ben snatches the beanie off my head.

My mouth agapes as I lightly chuckle. I push him as I grab my hat back.

He falls on the snow.

He forms a ball of snow in his hand and throws it at me.

"You did not just do that." I shake my head.

But, Ella comes in between us before I can do anything.

"Stop being so childish." She reaches her hand out to help him stand, but as she helps him, she drops him on purpose.

"Oh, we're the childish ones?" I laugh.

"Yes we are." Ben says as he still lays on the ground.

He grabs Ella's leg, making her fall on her face.

"Snow really suits you, Ells." I mock her.

"Shove off." She throws some snow into my face. I wipe it off with my hand, as I wipe it off, Ben makes me fall too, and all three of us are now on the ground.

I grab some snow in my hand and smash it on Ella's face.

The whole thing turns into a small snow fight while we lay on the cold ground, until I stop them.

"Wait, this is a nice part, listen." I begin singing the song and making weird hand gestures to match the words.

"And then the three man I admire most; The father, son and Holy Ghost... they caught the last train for the coast... the day... the music... died." Ella and Ben begun singing with me.

We sit down on the cold, wet, snowy ground and sing.

"Bye- bye Miss American pie drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry. Them good all boys were drinkin' whisky and rye singin' this'll be the day that I die."

Pity the living- Slytherin boys (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now