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"Hey, Alice, come here." Theo pulls me to a quiet corridor.

"What do you want, Theo?" I'm not in the mood to talk to him right now.

"I want to talk to you." Exactly what I bloody wanted.

"Fine." I answer in a dry tone, very much showing him how I feel about talking right now.

He looks me up and down, "You look really good today." He sucks up to me.

"Theo, get to the point." I sternly speak.

"Fine." He looks down, rolling his tongue against the inside of his cheek. "I want you to be more careful around boys." Is he kidding me?

"I can take care of myself." I say and leave, walking to the Great Hall.

I sit down at the Gryffindor table.

"Why does Malfoy look so sad?" Hermione questions.

I look at him, he does look extremely depressed.

"Who cares? It's Malfoy." Ron shoves food in his mouth.

"Don't know." I reply and begun eating.

"What happened to Malfoy?" I ask Enzo as we walk to class.

"He and Pansy broke up. I think she cheated or something."

My mouth agapes. "Pfft. No way." I shake my head.

"Go ask him, he's over there." He points at the blonde hair boy.

I walk towards him. I don't really feel like talking to him obviously, but I'm really interested.

"What's going on with Pugface?" I just immediately ask him.

He scoffs, "none of your business." He begins walking away, but I just continue walking with him.

"Heard you broke up." I state.

He sighs, "you know what, Alice? Yes, we did."

I chuckle lightly, "bless your soul, Malfoy. She made a bloody fool out of you, and she is bringing you down."

"Shut up."

He tries to speak while I do, but I don't let him stop me.

"She made your heart melt, but you're cold to the core..." I mock him, "now, she doesn't fucking love you anymore."

His jaw ticks and his eyes burn with rage.

"Bloody hell, Alice, you are suck a bitch!"

I snicker, "thank you."

I continue on to class.

Mattheo holds my hand as I make eye contact with a cute guy in the corridor as we get back from class. We're gonna hang out in his dorm and study.

"You are ruining my chances of getting laid by this dude." I roll my eyes as I whisper to him.

"That is correct, Jones." He grins at me.

"Fuck you, asshole." I snicker.

"Sure, just say when."

* * * *
Mattheo's pov

"Class was actually interesting today." She tells me.

I'm glad she enjoyed it, she hasn't really been getting into class lately.

"Hmm, yeah." I agree.

As we go down the stairs, I hear some people speaking, which distracts me to an extreme.

"He's the son of Death Eaters, I've heard." Two people having a conversation about me, which has been happening a lot lately. Whenever I move around the castle, I hear people gossip.

"I hear that none of his friends actually like him." The second speaks.

"I heard he tortures them when they don't listen to him." The first talks again.

"Really?" The second exclaims.

"Come on, lets go." Alice, who apparently also stopped to listen pulls me forward.

"Mattheo, are you okay?" She looks at me with worry.

Tears come into my eyes, but I stop them. I don't want to cry, not I front of her, not in general.

"Alice, I don't want to be me anymore." My voice breaks.

"No... Mattheo don't say that." She wraps her arms around me. This isn't fair, I'm not like my father.

"Everyone thinks I'm a monster when I did nothing." I shouldn't speak, it brings tears.

"What? How long has this been going on?" She pulls away to look at my eyes.

"Ever since we came back from the holiday."

Her expression fills with shock. "I- I didn't notice."

I get upset with her.

"Of course you didn't notice, you have barley been with us, all you have been doing is sleeping around, and- and skipping classes, what has been going on?"
She has been acting like nothing is important to her, like she can die for all she cares.

She takes a step back, offended of what I said.

"I have... I just," she sighs. I really hope she will finally tell me what is happening, but she doesn't. She looks down, "Nothing. Nothing has been going on." She plays with her fingers anxiously.

"Whatever," I grab my books, "let's just study."

As we study, I can see Alice can't concentrate. She keeps looking around, moving her eyes between the wall and her parchment.

I become confused until I notice the spider on the wall. I grab a cup and a parchment and trap the spider.

"The spider is gone now, darling." I tell her. It's the first time any of us said anything since we started studying.

"Thank you, Mattheo."

I sit back down. "I didn't know you were scared of spiders." I say.

"I'm terrified of them."

Pity the living- Slytherin boys (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now