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Alice's pov

Mattheo and I are alone in his dorm.

I decide to call Ella to ask how she is doing.

Mid conversation, she decides to make it about me.

"I heard you and Mattheo have been hanging out a lot. Are you two dating or something?"

My eyes widen. "No way-"

She cuts me off, "Are you sure? Because Ben said you've been snogging."

I roll my eyes. Why can't Ben keep anything to himself? "Ella, relax. We're not anything, just friends."

When I finish speaking, Mattheo lets out a deep laugh in the background.

"That's his laugh! I bloody knew it!"

Without saying anything I hang up and look over at the boy.

"Damn it," I say, "I told you to be quiet."

He innocently shrugs, "my bad."

He is the worst. I'm going to bloody kill him.

"Why would you do that?" I exclaim.

"What? It was funny." He replies.

"Was not! Now Ella thinks we're dating, and I haven't told Theo yet-"

He cuts me off, "really, you haven't told him yet?" He speaks sarcastically yet angrily. He excepted me to already do it, but I can't yet.

"No, it's... it's not the right time." I don't know why, but I begin feeling teary, like I'm about to cry.

"What is wrong with you, Jones? This will only hurt him more now, don't you realize that?" He raises his voice at me.

"Don't you shout at me! What happened to you? You're usually so nice..." I roll my eyes.

"I am nice except for when you do stupid shit." He speaks sternly.

"Oh, yes, so nice..." I'm going to make him sorry.
"Such a beautiful soul... oh, Merlin, look at the time," I look at the clock, "I got to go sleep with your brother." I run out of the room. Mattheo follows me, shouting at me. But, once I get into Tom's dorm I hear him scream loudly, but he stops.

"Are you and my brother fighting?" Tom asks, not looking up from the new addition of the Daily Propher.

"Oh, no, we're just playing around." I speak in a soft, sensual voice as I crawl up on his bed. Mattheo will regret yelling at me like that.

I crawl up to him and slowly take the newspaper out of his hand and throw it aside.

"What are you doing, Jones?" He questions.

"Trying to get you to be with me instead of being with your newspaper." I reply.

"Do you have something to talk about or are you just here to harass me?" He jokes.

"We both know you love me, Tom." I get closer to him, inches away from his face.

It takes him a while to realize I am trying to kiss him, but once he does he pushes me away.

"What are you doing, Jones?" This time, he speaks differently. He speaks sternly and angrily.

"Come on, Tommy, a few kiss won't ruin our friendship." I try to lean in again, but he pushes me backwards right away.

"Leave, Alice."

Tears come into my eyes. How could he reject me? I needed him and he shoved me away.

I run away to the Astronomy Tower.

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