I promise

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Theo's pov

Alice and I are on the way to class, she's been trying to get into them, which I'm happy about.

She slept at my dorm last night after we were together. It felt incredible, we haven't shared a bed in a while and this time it was different.

We cuddled and talked all night. I held her in my arms and sniffed her strong flowery perfume.

I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine and they twinkled.

It felt like it was the two of us; we were the only people in the world and nothing else mattered.

"Come on, Theo... did you have to sleep this late? We missed breakfast. Now not only do I have to get to class, but on an empty stomach too?" She complains.

"We slept in late, and I'm still tired, princess." I complain back.

"You're always tired." She shrugs.

"This is why I sleep in late." I reply.

"This is why I sleep with other guys." She jokes. But, it's not funny. I don't like it, I finally have her, we're finally more then friends, and she still gets with others. She is purposely making me jealous.

"Shove off..." I grab her hand and we walk together, our hands knotting together.

I look aside to see Malfoy watching us from afar.

"Pathetic..." I hear him huff.

"Someone's mad." I scoff as we pass beside him.

"You better watch it, Nott." He warns, "and you," he turns to look at Alice, "stop hooking up with my friends."

What the hell is he talking about?

Anxiety rushes through me. She wouldn't have done that... not to me, she wouldn't have been with my friends.

I look at her with a pair of wondering, anxious eyes as she lets her eyes fill with shock for just a moment before giving one final sassy comment.

"Why are they there, then?" She grins playfully.

She owes me an explanation.

After Malfoy walks away, I begin thinking what to say. Has she been sleeping with our friends? Would she have done that to me? Would they have done that to me? Who even was it?

"So... 'friends'..." I quote Malfoy.

"Yeah, um..." she lets out a big breath, preparing herself, "listen... I'm sorry, Theo." My angry eyes when I hear her choked voice. She is about to cry.

"What?" I simply ask her. She must be really sorry.

"We were drunk and it was a few months ago and we didn't want to say anything because we didn't want to hurt you, and it happened once and it was a mistake and I'm sorry." Tears fall on her cheeks.

"Who was it?" I ask.

"Enzo... can you... forgive me, Theo? I'm so sorry..."

I nod my head, "I can forgive you. If it happened that one time, only with him I can forgive you. But don't get that drunk again."

She wraps her arms around me, pulling me into a tight, loving, apologetic hug.

"Never again, Theo. I promise."

Pity the living- Slytherin boys (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now