I don't hate you

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Harry's pov

We're sitting in the common room, I'm telling Ron, Hermione and Ginny about what happened. It's already night, and I haven't seen Alice all day.
But then, she walks in, blood still on her clothes.

"You're washed up Harry!" She immediately yells at me.

"I'm sorry." I simply speak, not knowing what else to say.

"No, you're not." She shakes her head.

"I am, Alice. But he did deserve it." I speak truthfully.

She looks at me with shock, not knowing what to say.

"I mean; get a load of this monster. He's evil and a train wreck."

She scoffs, "why is he evil exactly?" She stares deeply into my eyes.

"He cursed Katy Bell!" I tell her. But instead of agreeing with me, she scoffs again.

"Oh, yeah, and I bet doing the same to him makes you a whole lot better."

Now, I get angry. I am better than Malfoy, she knows this.

"Can you stop caring for him? He's a Death Eater, that was his choice."

She gets full of rage. She begins taking everything out on me.

"You know what, Harry? You're just a little attention attractor. When Harry Potter, the boy who lived grows up to be an auror or a professor... you'll be rewarded for never maturing for never understanding or learning that everyday can't be about you. Not everyone grows up as the 'chosen one', you selfish asshole!" She shouts at me.

"You must be psychotic." I shrug.

"I must be demented to think that I'm worthy of all your attention." She mocks me.

"You use your gifts for good, so do I. I'm just trying to find ways to win Voldemort and his army while you hangout with their children. I'm sick of you saying it wasn't their fault. It's your fault for falling for it. But, you're just too stupid to realize it and get it into your head. It's all an illusion, Alice. He's a Death Eater!" I shout until tears come into her eyes. Ginny stops me.

"That's enough, Harry." She tries to calm me down.

"I know!" Alice loses her mind.

"What?" Hermione asks softly.

"I know he's a Death Eater, Harry. You think I'm stupid? He came to tell me the day he got marked." How could she not tell me?

"Is that the reason you broke up with him?" Ron questions.

"Yes. But it doesn't matter. Being a Death Eater doesn't make him evil!" She looks at me, knowing exactly what I'm going to say, yet hoping I won't.

"It does. He is working for Voldemort!" As soon as I finish yelling, she begins doing so.

"You think he had a choice!?"

I shake my head, trying to keep my anger inside.

"There's always a choice." I reply.

"Well, they, and me too, actually can't do what you can, Harry. I know you wouldn't have done that. You probably would have just figured something out, right?"

I nod my head, "I'd try." I respond.

"Yeah, because Harry Potter! You're the chosen one! Guess what? All of us can't be the chosen one, some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes; some of us are human!" She shouts so loudly I think the entire castle heard.

"I am human! What are you even talking about?" I try to stay as calm as I can.

"I'm just saying that Draco didn't have much of a choice."

Hermione involves herself in, "How exactly didn't he have a choice? Sirius left when it was his time to get marked." I hate hearing his name.

"Draco's father is in Azkaban. He's poor mother needs to take care of him all alone. He had nowhere to go even if he wanted to and besides he would've been killed if he wouldn't have agreed."

I shake my head, "No, he wouldn't have."

Her eyes have fire in them. "You don't know. You never heard their stories. You never met their families. It's awful for them."

I get annoyed with her and repeat what I already said. "There is always a choice, Alice. Hermione's right, he could've ran away the way Sirius did. He could've have left. He had a choice and he made his." I sternly speak.

"And where would he have gone exactly? Enzo's not an option, same for Blaise, Pansy, Astoria, Crabbe and Goyle. Theo is really not an option and Tom and Mattheo are definitely, extremely not an option. Where would he have gone to where there wouldn't have been Death Eaters? To me? Like you would've let him in." She looks at Ron, who shakes his head no, "Sirius had your father to go to, Draco had nowhere." She turns her head back to me.

"It doesn't matter, Sirius-" I can barely say his name before she cuts me off.

"Stop. Stop talking about him, Merlin! Draco could have done nothing, so stop talking about Sirius because he has nothing to do with this, and I don't want to hear his name. Draco couldn't have don't anything, none of them could have done anything, you know what? Sirius barley had anything to do as well. You can't control your life, Harry. They couldn't choose their families they were born into, or what being a part of those families mean. I know growing up with the Dursleys must have been awful, but both from my friends and Sirius I heard stories about their parents using unbreakable curses on them over the smallest things. They didn't choose that. You talk about Sirius like you know him so well when you don't even know the reason he actually ran away, so just stop because I'm really sick of this by now!" She breaks down.

"Alice! If he wanted to he would've! He didn't leave because he's evil!" I shout at her.

She stops herself from crying quickly. "He's not evil, he's just hurt. But, you know what? I'm leaving. I'm tired of this conversation."

My heart suddenly softens. Even if I think she's wrong, I don't want her to hate me. She is one of my best friends.

"Please, Alice, don't go. You're one of my best friends."

She turns back around to look at me.

"Don't kid me, Harry. We haven't properly talked in months, we're not friends." She chuckles.

"Come on, Alice. Don't hate me, not for this..." I beg her, but she just sighs.

"I don't hate you. I just lost all my respect to you and have nothing to say to you anymore."

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