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Walking into the ball confidently brings looks of curiosity towards us.

I feel Mattheo's hand skim my lower back, causing my breath to hitch as we walk through the crowded room.

"Stop it. We might get caught by your father." I say as I glance behind.

He chuckles, "Let him see how much of a whore you are for me."

I shake my head, silencing him with my finger.

"Shut the fuck up. Theo will hear you, someone will hear you." I roll my eyes as we walk to the bar.

"So... what are we drinking?" I ask Mattheo.

"Anything you'd like."

I sigh, "a shot of vodka please." The bartender brings me the vodka immediately and in one lift of a hand I finish it off.

"Where's Tom? Isn't the story cover that you're his friend?" Mattheo asks me.

"Yes, but, we thought it'll be best if we separate." I explain.

"Mr. Riddle, who is this lovely girl?" Some woman I do not recognize greets Mattheo.

"Amelia Lewis, Miss. I'm actually Tom's friend, Mattheo is just keeping me company while his brother went to greet everyone." I introduce myself.

"Well, Mr. Riddle, will you leave us two so we could have a drink?" I look at Mattheo, urging him to leave.

I go through countless of people, talking to them, gathering information. The sacrifice is about to begin, and I finally meet up with Tom.

"How did you do?" He whispers as we walk.

"Don't have much new information, but I had a few theories confirmed to me." I tell him.

"Good. That's something. We'll talk about it at Hogwarts. It's too dangerous here." He pulls me forward, to the center of the room where everyone is slowly gathering.

As I turn around around, slowly looking at the beautiful room, I hear Tom speaking.

"Good evening, master." Shit. I know these people long enough to know that he even makes his own sons call him master.

I turn my face forward, and am greeted with a hideous smile.

My breath hitches.

"My lord." I lower my head, bowing to him slightly.

"Thomas, who did you bring here?" He states at me.

At this moment I decide that it'll probably be better to leave the talking for Tom. One mistake is instant death for me.

"Father, this is Amelia Lewis. She is a Ravenclaw in my year, we grew close recently." He introduces me.

"Amelia Lewis... and you are...?" I immediately know what the question is.

"A half blood, sir. Although, I dread both my parents; my mother for being a muggle, my father for ever looking at her."

He begins laughing hysterically; a laughter that will haunt my nightmares.

"I like her very much, Tom, bring her more often. How come you look so familiar to me?" We're screwed.

I get nervous and don't answer to the question. As silence moves around the three of us, his expression changes. He's angry.

"Take off your mask." He demands.

"Show my face?" I question, a look of surprise covers my face.

"Yes, Miss." he responds.

"I would rather not, sir- um... my lord..."

I can see how rage full he is becoming. He's blood begins to boil.

"You will do as I say, child!" He yells at me.

I get scared, but quickly come up with an excuse.

"I would really rather not. You see, we all have our reasons to hate the Muggles. Wether it's because, as we all know, we are the superior kind, or any other reason. But, you see, mine is because my mother scarred me, in purpose, across the face. I truly don't like showing my face. I am willing to do anything for you and your cause, but, my lord, please spare me this." I really hope he'll buy this.

"How old are you, child?" He asks.

"17." Tom answers for me.

"Then you will get marked and join my army after we feed Nagini." He walks away.

I let out a big breath I was holding the whole time.

"You should go." Tom states.

"Yeah, I should go." I agree with him.

"Run." He orders me.

Pity the living- Slytherin boys (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now