You can't tell

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I walk quickly through the crowd, making sure no one puts a special interest into me leaving.

Once I reach the corridor I begin running towards the door.

I open it. From the stress, I forget about the stairs.

I fall down, and so does my mask. It smashes on the floor, breaking into pieces.

I quickly appirate to the Weasley's house, not bothering to pick the pieces up.

I land in their yard, but surprisingly, everyone else is there too.

I land on the ground, my ankle is hurting. When I look up, my eyes widen. The house is on fire.

"What the hell happened!?" I yell as Moony helps me up.

"Death Eaters." Harry speaks with shock.

Ella and Ben run to me as well, but the rest are too shocked, they can't stop watching the burning house.

"Go appirate everyone to our apartment. They shouldn't be watching this." I whisper to Ella and Ben. They do as I say, and we all appirate to our small apartment in London.

"Can someone explain?" I ask them harshly.

"Bellatrix Lastrange." Ron simply says, he sits down on a chair in our small kitchen, he stares at the floor.

"Bloody hell, that's why I haven't seen her." I finally understand.

"She is coming only for the sacrifices." I add.

"Sacrifices?" Tonx questions.

"Yes, when they feed Nagini." I explain.

"Who's Nagini?" Fred asks me, but his voice isn't usual.

"His bloody snake. He treats it like it is actually a woman." Ron shrugs.

"She is an actual human being. I mean, used to be." I current myself. "It doesn't matter anyway." I shake my head and sit down.

"Well, did you find anything interesting?" Tonx asks.

"Nothing new. Voldemort is looking for a new wand, like I told you he would the summer before the recent one. Even though, he doesn't know that the wand he is looking for belongs to Dumbledore." I tell her. I twist my hand and a bandage appears in my hand. I begin wrapping my sore ankle right after I take off my red hills.

Taking off the hills feels so bloody good, my feet at so sore. I can't wait for the moment when I will finally take my corset off.

"Why would he need a new wand?" Harry asks.

"I realized he'll want a new wand after you fought him the fourth year." I speak as I walk to my room to change, "After you fought I was told that some sort of barrier occurred between your wands," I yell through the door as I take off my dress and corset. I let out such a big breath as I can finally breathe properly, "that kind of thing only happens when wands are twins: when they share the same core. Yours and Voldemort's wands have the same feather from the same Phoenix, making it so that the two wands can't fight each other." I finally return to the living room and continue speaking, "therefor, if he wants to fight you, he'll need a new wand. Now, I don't know if you know it, Harry, but, you have a really powerful wand, and so does he. Not many are stronger then them. Except, for the most powerful wand ever created, which now belongs to Dumbledore. It was made thousands of years ago and it's master is simply the one to win it." I explain everything.

"Anything else?" Molly responds.

"Yes, he is planning to take control of the Ministry by next year." Widening eyes and stressed expression fill the room.

"Rubbish." Mr. Weasley scoffs. He knows it's true, he's just afraid.

"It's not rubbish, it's the truth, it's what I heard." I sternly speak as I stand up and walk towards him.

"Even if they do plan to, they won't succeed." Delusion at its finest.

"I'm sorry to tell all of you this, but the Ministry isn't that hard to get over." I get angry.

"Oh, and how will you take over?" Rage fills his tone.

"Put in imperious curse on someone. Make someone join the Ministry and climb your way to the top through someone else. Once you change some rules nothing is too difficult. If you convince some people you will be able to control the whole Wizarding and Muggle world." I give him some examples.

"And would you be able to do that?" He sternly questions.

"No. But, a person who is incredibly feared and has a full army of supporters and people who fight for him can." I argue.

"Even if it's true, as long as Dumbledore is alive it won't happen. He won't let it happen." Moony joins the conversation.

"Yeah... as long as Dumbledore's alive..." I go towards the fridge to grab some water.

There are a few moments of silence as Moony stares suspiciously at my back that is turned to him.

"What was that face?" He questions.

"What face?" I act clueless.

"The face you made when I just mentioned Dumbledore. Do you know something we don't, Alice?"

How I hate how alike we are sometimes, we are both way too suspecting of everything. We questions everything, sometimes too much.

"What would I know?" I ask him as I turn around. I chug the glass of water down.

"Something about Dumbledore, Alice." He sternly says.

"I know nothing!" I get defensive, "I'm just saying, Dumbledore is an old man. Older then a 100. He won't live forever. And let's face it; Voldemort's strong. Maybe stronger the Dumbledore now..." I make up something.

"It isn't that. Let's go outside." He pulls me outside for a smoke.

"What's going on? You know you can't tell me everything, right?" He lights up each of our cigarettes.

"I truly can't, Moony. He would've told you if he wanted you to know." I will not tell him Dumbledore is planned to die. Instead, I'll say something else.
Something that isn't a lie, but isn't the full truth.

"Alice, it's important you tell me." He tries to convince me.

I sigh, "only is you promise to tell no one. Absolutely no one." I look at him with eyes full of hope, even this he can't tell anyone.

He thinks, looking down at the ground.

"I promise."

I take a deep breath, "He is dying, Moony. He has a curse to his arm that is killing him slowly. Snape has been giving him a potion that will slow the process, but either way he won't last more then a year. You can't tell anyone."

Pity the living- Slytherin boys (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now