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"Fuck, Alice, where have you been? You've been skipping classes all week, barley hanging out with us and when you finally tell us you're going to come, you're a few hours late!" Theo yells at me as I enter their dorm.

"Relax, I was with a boy." I shallowly reply to him as I sit down on his bed.

"Where exactly?" Mattheo raises his eyebrows at me, taking a hit from his cigarette.

"With who?" Enzo gets mad as well.

"You've been where?" Theo angrily stands up.

Tom is the only one not saying anything. But, I look into his eyes, his incredibly disappointed eyes, and I turn sad. But I quickly shake my head and with it the sadness away as well.

"Pour boy, he didn't know what he got himself into." I laugh, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it up.

"Well, anyway, if you are fine getting all protective and angry, wanna hear something hilarious that happened?" I smile at them all.

"Yeah," Theo sighs, "sure." He rolls his eyes and sits back down.

"So, we were in his dorm, and he's on top of me and it is HOT. And he says 'come on, sweetheart, take them off'. So I undress, and then he takes his off, and then... Filtwick walks in." Their mouths agape, they all start laughing.

"What did you do then?" Theo asks me.

"I appirates us to the bathroom and we hid there until he left." I tell them the more boring side of the story.

"Smart thinking." Tom admits.

"Thank you. Finally; some appreciation!" I snicker.

"So... what have you been doing all week?" Mattheo asks.

"Nothing interesting." I sigh. Nothing interesting, I just discovered my headmaster is the reason my sister died.

"Let me ask you a different question: what trouble have you gotten into the past week?" He blows out smoke.

"Uh... let's see... I got yelled at by McGonagle for getting an F on a quiz."

Theo chuckles, "why did you fail the quiz?" He asks.

"I didn't know the answers." I get annoyed.

"Right... next?" Mattheo questions.

"Uh... oh! I got kicked out of the Great Hall for slapping Enzo with a piece of pizza." I get excited.

"Oh, that was funny." Theo snickers.

"Why did you slap Berkshire with a piece of pizza?" Tom seems genuinely weirded out by it.

"I found it on the floor, I wasn't going to eat it." I speak as if it's extremely obvious.

"Why didn't you just leave it-" he sighs, "doesn't matter." He huffs.

"Anything else?" Mattheo questions.

"About 3 detentions, but who's counting?" Theo laughs under his breath.

Pity the living- Slytherin boys (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now