Eyes smirking

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Theo's pov

"Oi! Wanna go to the Gryffindor room?" I ask Mattheo. We haven't seen Alice all week, not in classes, not in the evenings, just once in a while in the Great Hall or roaming around at night. But, whenever I came up to her, she didn't want to talk.

"Yeah, let's go."

We walk into the Gryffindor common room, and see Potter.

"Where is Alice?" Mattheo asks him and his friends.

"No idea, she left a week ago, I thought she was staying with you."

My eyes widen. "What?" I ask.

Mattheo sighs, "she is at our place? In Slytherin?" He questions.

"Supposed to be." Ron responds.

"My brother. Let's go, Theo."

We walk back to the Slytherin common room and immediately spot Tom reading a book.

"Has Alice been staying in your dorm?" I come up to him.

"How'd you know?" He looks up at us.

"Lucky guess. What happened?" Mattheo asks.

"Don't know. But she isn't doing too well. She doesn't go out of the room except for at night, I think for... you know. I think something happened with the Gryffindors, but I didn't ask."

I squint my eyes at him, "You- you didn't ask?" I look surprised at him.

"She didn't need questions. She needed a friend and a place to sleep. Come with me." He sighs.

We follow him to his dorm.

Alice is there, laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling.

"What are you doing?" I'm worried about her. I need to know what happened.

"Nothing much." She replies.

"Have you just been staring like that all day?" Mattheo looks frustrated.

"Why do you care?" She finally turns her head to us.

"Come on, Alice. You need to get up." I walk to her and grab her arm, pulling her off the bed.

"Leave me alone." She strongly pulls herself away from me.

"No. You need to get up. Do you even know that Malfoy has been in the hospital wing? Did you visit him?" Mattheo tries to make her feel bad enough so she'll get up.

"Why would I visit him? I don't like him very much."
I shrug, "Alice..." I want to yell at her, but I stop. I take a big breath and continue, "Just... what happened?"

Her eyes soften as she looks into mine. She sighs, looking away from us. I can see she doesn't want to talk about it, but she does anyway.

"I cut off contact from the Gryffindors... I mean, Harry, but yeah."

Harry and her have been friends for so long.

"But... you were really good friends..." I speak with confusion. What happened between them?

"I haven't talked to him in months, not properly at least." I see tears in her eyes. Something is seriously wrong.

"So, what happened?" Mattheo questions her.

"Do you know the reason Draco is in the hospital wing?"

We all don't understand.

"Um... no, we don't." Tom answers for the three of us.

"Harry cursed him... he almost died and I followed Snape to where they were fighting at because I realized something was wrong. He was barely breathing. He was on the floor, almost bleeding to death. I Gad a fight with Harry later that day. I told him that I don't hate him, that I just have nothing to say to him anymore." She laughs softly, trying to hide how sad she is about it, but the silent tears that are falling down her cheeks say otherwise.

"And you were just here ever since?" I ask.

"Um... I went out sometimes to eat and... other things." She looks straight into my eyes when she says 'other things' and I know exactly what she means.

"You have to go back to your dorm." Mattheo shakes his head.

"I don't want to." Alice responds.

"I was planning on going to the tower for a bit. You can come, then you can come to sleep at our dorm." I suggest.

"Thanks Theo." A shy smile curls on her lips, but her eyes are smirking.

Pity the living- Slytherin boys (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now