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"Careful Y/n!" A blonde called out.

I looked down from the tree I was in.

"Calm down, Katie! I'm fine." I said and moved closer to the edge.

Then suddenly, a bird flew at me, causing me to fall backwards. I screamed as I fell.

"Y/N!" Katie yelled. I fell onto the ground, groaning in pain. My back felt like it was on fire.

"I can't feel my legs!" I gasped. I heard people running over and shouting. Katie crouched over me, looking terrified.

I squeezed my eyes shut, biting my lip. "Is she okay?" A voice said.

"I don't know!" Katie said. Someone else bent down over me.

"Hey, are you okay?" They said. I opened my eyes. A boy was leaning over me. He had fluffy brown hair and dark brown eyes.

"My legs are numb." Was all I got out. He nodded and pulled out his phone.

"Hey Neshan. I need help. A girl at the park fell out of a tree. Yeah, she's hurt. Bad. Okay. Right. Bye, see you then." He looked down at me and smiled.

"My brothers on his way, I'm going to call one, one, one." He said and placed a hand on my arm.

The touch was comforting, and I closed my eyes. There was a strong pounding in my head.

He was talking to what I hoped was the doctors. I heard sirens and opened my eyes.

An ambulance was outside the gates, and paramedics were running towards us.

The boy jumped up and ran over to them. Katie sat in silence, watching. They ran over and quickly got to work.

"You've bruised your spine." The paramedic said heaving a sigh of relief.

She handed me an ice pack and slowly sat me up. I winced in pain and gritted my teeth.

After a while, my back was feeling better, and I could feel my legs. I stood up and waved the ambulance goodbye.

"You alright?" The boy asked. "Thanks, and yeah. You were really helpful." I said.

He nodded. "Stay safe." He said and walked off. I hugged Katie, and we sat down.

"He was so sweet." She said. "Yes, he was." I replied, watching him on his phone on an opposite bench.

A girl walked in, and he stood up and waved. She walked over to him, and they hugged.

I looked down at my phone and started scrolling through tiktok.

The girl walked over. "Um hi, uh, I was wondering if any of you could do gymnastics?" She asked.

I looked up.

"Yeah, I can!" I said, smiling.

"What level?" She asked.

"Seven." I replied. She grinned.

"Same! Do you think we could do some? I have a competition coming up soon." She said.

I nodded, standing up. Katie walked with us to a clear patch.

The boy was lying down on the grass on his phone.

"Don't mind, Nidal." She said, gesturing to the boy.

I nodded. Katie sat down and watched us.

"I'm Salish, by the way." She said.

"Y/n." I replied.

Salish smiled.

She did her floor routine, and I helped her on it and then got ready to show her mine.

"I have two. The same one as yours and then this one." I said. I ran and started doing my routine.

I landed all the flips perfectly and finished. Slaish clapped. I ran over to her.

"That's it." I said.

"That was cool." Someone said. I turned around and saw Nidal.

"Thank you." I said.

"Considering what happened like half an hour ago." He said.

I laughed and nodded.

Salish looked confused. "She had an accident, and the ambulance had to come." He said.

"But I'm fine." I added.

Katie walked over. "Can I have your girls' snaps?" Salish asked.

"Sure." Katie and I said, and we exchanged our snaps.

Katie joined us in the gymnastics, and so did Nidal.

"Well, I have to go now, but this has been great. I hope we can do it again sometime soon!" Salish said and waved goodbye.

"Good luck with your competition!" I said and waved.

Nidal walked over.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now