1. Croissant Crown

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The familiar sound of the bell signalled to him that a new customer had entered the bakery. Finishing up the big order for one of his regulars, he said goodbye to Miss Carlson before facing his new customer with a bright polite smile, gaining himself a quiet snicker from one of his co-workers for his eagerness but he shrugged it off. He couldn't help it. He absolutely loved his job and meeting and interacting with all of these new people every day. He didn't care if he seemed over-eager to his friends. It was genuine joy.

"Will it ever stop?" his best friend and co-worker Niall groaned when a group of ten people entered the bakery.

"Not any time soon, Nialler" he shrugged unfazed, way too used to the typical morning rush. "Now get to work".

"Sometimes I hate you, Harry" Niall glared at him huffily.

Shaking his head at him and his dramatics, Harry faced his new customers, not recognising any of them, which was unusual because his bakery wasn't anywhere close to the city centre and he had his fair share of loyal regulars instead of masses of new strangers every day. Coming face to face with new people did excite him though. He never knew what to expect.

"Hello, what can I get you this fine morning, Sir?" Harry smiled at a middle-aged man in a suit. His guess would be that this man worked for the publishing house around the corner.

"We heard about your infamous Avalon Danishes. We'd like a couple of them and ... What else could you recommend for a big company brunch?" the man eyed the pastries in his display case.

"Well, we have our usual croissants with or without filling or a variety of different cakes and cupcakes. We have Chelsea Buns, cinnamon buns or millionaires shortbread, that goes great with a late brunch" Harry went over different options in his head.

"We'll take some of these Relaxation cupcakes, ten chocolate croissants and some millionaires shortbread" the man glanced at another man next to him, who nodded along in agreement.

"We'll do everything to have a relaxed brunch for once" the other man chuckled visibly tense.

"Then my cupcakes are the right choice, gentlemen" Harry smiled encouragingly at them, starting to get their order done. "This will be your most enjoyable brunch so far. Trust me".

"He's not wrong" Niall piped in to distract the men from their worries. "His cupcakes have a soothing effect on people".

"We'll need tons of that" the first man laughed a bit more freely.

"It'll be enough" Niall winked at him, getting his own order ready and shielding Harry from the men's view for a second.

While wrapping up the Danishes, Harry decided to throw in two more as a gift for their big order. Packing up the shortbread and the croissants, he realised he'd need a separate box for the cupcakes and the buns. Bending down to grab a box, he chose his special box for good measure. With a flick of his wrist under the counter, he doubled the effect on the cupcakes, having mercy on the stressed men. Putting everything on the counter nicely, Harry faced the two men again, who looked way more relaxed than five minutes ago, making him smile to himself.

"Will you be able to carry all of this or do you need another bag?" Harry asked them attentively.

"A bag would be great. Thanks" the second man smiled at him.

Putting all of their boxes in a bag, Harry handed it over to them and took their money in exchange. With good luck wishes, he sent them on their way, hoping they'd get through their brunch without too many obstacles. He just cared too quickly.

For another hour, he barely had time to breathe but he loved these stressful mornings. He got to see many familiar faces that he has grown to love mixed with a few new ones here and there and he was lucky enough to share all of these moments with his best friend every day. And although Niall complained a lot about the early hours and loud voices and hectic atmosphere, Harry knew that he loved it just as much deep down. He just wasn't someone to voice any of this out loud. It was way too sentimental.

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