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"Kiss me and let our lips met
from the fire of our passion."

With each and every passing second I was feeling more and more dizzy. It's like I can go out of my senses any fucking time. My head started hurting like hell.

I hate how easily my health gets worse. Just because I was out from morning and I standing almost time and due to direct rays of sun hitting me made me feel unwell.

I grabbed my bottle and drank some water. After waiting for almost ten more minutes I saw everyone coming out of the school.

I checked my wrist watch and saw that it's 12 o'clock so probably the program has been ended till now.

One by one everyone was coming out but where is Jungkook? Why wasn't he coming out.

After passing more than five minutes I finally saw Jungkook coming out. I was so happy seeing him. Like every effort and all the time I waited for him is giving results now. I finally saw him.

I stood up, and directly ran towards him without giving a fuck to everyone else around us. I went running to him and shouting his name to which he turns back saw me.

I was about to hug him but then I realised all teachers of our school are here and if they saw us we'll be in trouble. So I stood still in front of him.

"Why didn't you came to me?I was waiting for you since this long? You know how desperately I wanted to see you?" I argued punching him on his arms "sorry baby, I actually tried several times, even I made several excuses but unfortunately none of them worked out." He says disappointed

"You know I even asked help from your bsf but he said there's no way we can get you out from there" I said crossing my hand over my chest "last time I was permitted to leave the school between the program but I didn't knew that this time they'll restrict us" he says

"No problem leave it, now as you're out let's spend time together. It's too late to go to the river site so let's first have some meal I'm starving" I said placing hand on my stomach as he laughs and asks me what I wanted to eat and I said wherever he prefers to take me.

Though he said he'll take me whenever I want but I was craving for panipuri so I told him let's first eat pani puri and he agrees.

We went together to there in between I grabbed his hand but he left my hand saying that there are teachers and we can get caught.

As we reached there Jungkook asked the uncle to serve Indian pani puri to both of us and he did so.

We both started eating and staring at each other, laughing like idiots. "Let's see how much panipuri you can consume" he says "I can eat more then you" I challenged "you probably can't, but let's see who wins" he says accepting my challenge.

I almost ate thirty-five pieces as I can feel my stomach was about to brust to I told uncle to stop serving more panipuri to me, "I won, yes" he exclaims happily winning the challenge.

Because of the challenge I forgot to tell uncle to reduce the spices, as this was actually so spicy. I have always prescribed eating less spicy or else it affects my health so I'm not having a habit of eating spicy food.

OMG, I can feel my eyes tearing up, as he saw me and grabs my face onto his hands "why are you crying? You okay baby?" "Yes that was so spicy" I said jumping in my position as he laughed as an reaction and takes out his water bottle and gave it ho me "drink some water you'll feel good" I tried to open the bottle which was so tight and I wasn't able to open it, he than takes the bottle from my hand and within one spin he opens the tid and hands over the bottle to me.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 (JJK FF)Where stories live. Discover now