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J U N G K O O K    P O V

I went aside with my bestfriends, I mean my sons.

"I need to tell you something" Tae spoke

"Spill the tea, son" I said with a chuckle

"Mottherfucker" he whispered under his breathe

"Let's come to the point, the day you and Daisy went out bunking the farewell" Tae spoke


"Many people in our university knew about it and they're spreading numerous horrible rumors"


" 'Like Daisy is a slut, it's not even three months and she's crushing over you' 'Daisy is with you for sexual needs that's it' 'Daisy just wants to be a whore for Jungkook' and many more, and I've came to know that Yera and all those motherfuckers who are obsessed with you two are behind this" my jaws clenched and my hands turned into a fist, whoever said this I want to broke each and everyone of their jaws.

"And specially we saw Yera talking with Daisy today during the compitition, and with the looks I can feel Daisy was pissed off by Yera" Jimin added.

"That slut Yera, she'll pa-" I was cut off by Amelia.

"Jungkoook, D-daisy, sh-she is in danger—" Amelia was panicking ans catching her breathe saying this.

"Why? What happened? Where's she?" I asked nervous.

"She's drowned into the pool, save her—" Amelia requests. She looks tensed.

"Fuck" I muttered under my breathe and ran towards the pool with my full speed, Tae, Jimin and Amelia were following me.

Fuck no. God pls save her. How the hell she got into the pool? She doesn't know how to swim and she's having fear with it, she can't even hold her breathe for long.

My heart is pounding against my ribs. I wish she's fine. Once I reached near the pool I directly jumped into the pool, with a huge splash of water coming off the pool.

I saw Daisy at the lower level of pool her eyes closer, and body floating in water. I went near her, holding my breathe.

I placed one of her arms around my neck and carried her body on my hands, in bridal style.

I did flutter kicks with my legs and tried to came up. Within seconds half of my body was above the water level with Daisy in my arms.

I went out off the pool still carrying Daisy in bridal style. Water dripping from her hair and body. I can clearly see jealous Yera but let's not give a fuck to her right now.

Once we were out of the pool everybody surround us specially Tae, Jimin and Amelia.

"Oh gosh Daisy" Amelia cried out seeing Daisy.

I placed Daisy on the ground and started patting her cheeks. "Daisy, Daisy, baby wake up" I tried getting her on her senses but she remained out of her senses.

I continuously chanted her name but rhe remained unconscious. I checked her nerves and her breathing rate and she was having difficulty in breathing or in short she was barely able to breathe.

I placed my palm above her heart and pressed a little still calling for her. She coughed a little as I opened her mouth and placed my lips on hers.

I gave her CPR in front of everyone. All of them around us were stunned by my action.

After a minute she opened her eyes, a little and coughed. I feel like my heart started beating again seeing her awake. She scared me. My girl. What if something happened to her? What would I do?

She tired to get up and I immediately took her into my arms in front of everyone. "Daisy, baby are you feeling well?" I asked hugging her so tightly in my arms that she can't escape from me.

"Ah, leave me, I can't breathe" she complaint and I left her, holding her cheeks in my hand, some strands of her wet hairs felt of her face.

Soon Amelia grabbed Daisy's hand and squeezed it lightly "god you scared me" she cried out hugging Daisy.

"Why are y'all so scared? Do you think I'll leave y'all this easily?" Daisy says with a soft laugh.

"But how did all this happened?" I asked

"I was talking to Amelia when somebody shoved me from behind" Daisy says.

"Who?" I asked "I didn't noticed" Daisy said

"Those two boys there, they pushed her, I saw them" Amelia says pointing towards two guys standing far from us.

This was getting on my nerves, I stood up suddenly, "Amelia take her aside, I'll handle those moron." I said and went towards them in hurry, both my best friends followed me.

I went in front of one guy and started punching him, the another was about to punch me on face but I grabbed his hands and twisted them.

"Why the fuck did you shoved my Regina?" I yelled at their face while punching them. One of the boys mouth started to bleed. But that won't stop me.

"Tell me why did you shoved her, or should I broke your jaws?" I yelled at them, they were threatened.

"Jungkook stop! Please" Tae and Jimin tried to stop me by pulling me off them by my shoulders. I ignored them and kept punching that motherfucker.

"W-we were told to do that" one of the boy confessed "who told you?" I asked yelling. "Yera, she told us to push Daisy into the pool" the other said.

I clenched my jaws giving a last hard punch across their face and left them.

"Jungkook calm down." Tae said. "Calm down? Fuck off" I said like he's expecting the fuck out of me to calm down?

"Jimin, call Amelia, right now"

"Okay" Jimin went to Amelia.

I went near Yera and stood in front of her "what the fuck is your problem?" I asked

"What do you mean Jungkook?" She tried to act innocent.

"You know what I mean, why the fuck you told those bastards to push Daisy into the pool? What's your fucking problem Yera?" I yelled at her face.

"Daisy, that bitch is my problem" how dared she to call my girl a bitch? "I'd have broke your jaws till now if you weren't a girl" I said.

Just then Amelia came and asked "yes, you called me?" "This fucking slut told those boys to push Daisy, I broke those boys jaws but I can't do anything to her, and I want yo-" "I got you" she said cutting me off and pulled Yera by her hairs.

She directly slapped her face followed by another, which surely left a red mark of Amelia's hand. I'm proud of her. They way she hit Yera made my nerves calm.

"And from now on don't you dare to wonder near Daisy, if you do I'll fucking cut you into pieces and feed them to dogs." Amelia threatens Yera.

"Stay away from Daisy and me" I said for a last time and left with everyone.

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𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 (JJK FF)Where stories live. Discover now