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Yibo was totally ignoring Zhan like he doesn't exist there and enjoying his lunch.

Zhan was not someone giving up easily so he glared him time to time and at last his patience came to end he grabbed Yibo's wrist tightly and dragged him to his vanity.
Yibo startled with sudden grip but he was well aware with Zhan's behaviour.
He remained silent as always which irritated Zhan more.

"Mr Wang Yibo you sure are really something...you came again here."

"Mr Zhan what's your problem...why you brought me here? I'm afraid..

"Afraid of what? That I'll do something to you...ha...never in dreams I'll do anything to you...."

Oh no no no...you got me wrong I'm afraid your title as bachelor will be in danger because your fan girls and fan boys will think that you are in secret relationship with your ex husband.
And I don't have anything to care about what people say and think about me but I know you care about yourself and your egotistical image.

For a moment was at loss of words but soon he regained his posture and said;

You don't have to think about me and my image but what if I said that you are here to seduce me?

I don't care about what you do or say anymore...but if I said that you tried to molest me then I think this will be a good show so keep your mind clear and stay away from me Mr Xiao Zhan.

Saying that Yibo came out and went at shooting site Zhan was furious at Yibo.
Yubin came there.
Is everything alright?

Yes yes everything is alright its just your Yibo sir is really not going to accept defeat.

Sorry to say that but I don't think he is not accepting defeat but you are thinking something in your mind and makings assumptions.

You think so...Yubin?  Ok but I'm not satisfied yet with this game so I wanna play more...it's quite fun to play with Wang Yibo.

Suddenly they heard some voices outside and when they went there saw Yibo was on ground and his left foot was injured and bleeding badly so Zhan ran there and held his foot with his hand and tied his handkerchief...Yibo was in pain...

What the hell is happened here?
Zhan asked angrily.

Sir Yibo came outside because he was not getting network inside and that equipment fell on his foot suddenly.

Zhan lifted Yibo in his arms and went inside. He helped him to chair. But Yibo was angry and struggling in his arms.
Mr. Zhan please leave me...please stop doing all this...

Look Yibo...you are hurt so I helped you and you know what hating you making you fall or hurting you is only my right. Only I Xiao Zhan can hurt you.

Yibo was speechless so he just ignored Zhan's behaviour and talk.
He was looking at his foot and that handkerchief with XZ embroidery.

Yubin was observing both of them specially Zhan's every expression. There was something on his face...sadness or kindness or he was worried for Yibo.

Yubin then offered a glass of water to Yibo and he drank without saying anything which was a good thing for Yubin because he realized that Yibo is good person with good heart.

When it was time to go back Yubin offered his car to Yibo for going home but he calmly denied.
Yibo I'm helping you because I see you as a friend so please accept this.

No Yubin its okay I'll manage.

Yubin was helpless infront of Yibo.
Yibo left in a cab to his home.


Now I'll try to update regularly.
Sorry for mistakes.

Thanks for reading.

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