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It was already 6 pm so Zhan called Yibo ...
But Yibo didn’t receive the call but Zhan once again called and this time Yibo  received the call...


Hello! Dd!

What is this?

I called to tell you that be ready...I'll pick you at 7:30 ...


Without listening further Yibo  disconnected the call..
He was busy exploring his old room...and to his surprise room was same as he left...

Today was the day where Yibo decided to check Zhan's lies about his so called love so he was all set...

First plan to ruin mood...so he took an old hoodie and jeans all black to wear...

He was ready and sharp at 7:30 he heard the car horn...

He went outside only to witness a very stylish Zhan but Zhan was not surprised by looking at Yibo ...

He smiled at Yibo and opened the car door for him and Yibo silently hoped on the passenger seat...car ride was silent because Zhan tried to talk but Yibo's ignorance killed the talk...

When he parked the car and they entered inside restaurant Yibo felt slightly happy...because for his liking restaurant was at good place so he felt at ease...
Soon waiter arrived there and took their orders...and Yibo was surprised because Zhan was the one who ordered food for him and it was all his favorite things...after ten minutes someone abruptly pulled Yibo's hand and Zhan said...

What the hell? But he stopped when he saw the person who was none other than Yucheng...

Yibo !! What are you doing here with this man...

Hey!! I should be the one saying that and leave his hand...
Zhan gritted...

Why should I...

Because I....the husband of this person saying so...

Husband?  Yucheng scoffed...

I think you are losing your memory Mr Xiao...he was your husband...

How dare you? Zhan grabbed his collar...

But Yibo pushed them...

Stop it both of you...
And Yucheng! Why are you here?

And Zhan you know he is my friend...still you misbehaved with him...

Dd!! You...?

You need to apologize to him for my sake...

Zhan saw Yibo with an unreadable emotion in his eyes...

Zhan! For the sake of our dinner...if you want dinner with me then apologize...

Zhan was hurt by Yibo's statement because Yibo knew that Zhan don't ask Forgiveness from anyone but still he is saying this...his jaw clenched as he saw the person who ruined his dinner with Yibo ...

He tried to say and saw Yibo in his eyes and without breaking his eye contact with Yibo he said...

I'm sorry for misbehaving....

With that he turned and for a second Yibo thought he saw hurt and tears? In Zhan's eyes...
With his back toward Yibo he said...
I'm waiting in car and he left for parking area...

Yibo saw his retreating back for some seconds his heart was beating more like saying....you did wrong but he shrugged it and faced Yucheng...

Thanks for coming...

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