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That boy was shameless. He grasped Yibo's hand;
Where are you going pretty boy...

Leave me...
Yibo gritted his teeth but the boy held him by shoulders.

Sorry no sorry but I'll leave you for sure but after some fun what say baby boy...
As soon as words left his mouth he was on floor with a stinging sensation on his jaw.

Yibo saw beside him came our angry bird ops angry young man...the great Xiao Zhan with his heroic entry.
He pulled that guy and gave him a good beating.
Yibo tried to stop Zhan but Zhan was behaving like maniac he was punching that boy so other crew members came and stopped him but;

Surrender this trash to cops....he is nothing but a trash...and if you ever dared to touch him...you'll lose your life...
Zhan spat angrily and saw Yibo who was already looking him Yibo was uncomfortable so he tried to look here and there but saw a big cut on Zhan's hand. Zhan tried to ask him;
Are you okay?

But Yibo was feeling awkward because of previous night's events so he hurriedly left from there to tent without answering after a while Yubin followed him with a water bottle, Ziyi was looking the scenes unfolded infront of her furiously because Zhan's behaviour towards Yibo was not like she was expecting.

In the tent Yibo was thinking about how Zhan saved him on time how he beated that boy who was harassing him.

Yibo are you alright?
Yubin asked...worriedly...

I'm fine...Yubin...don't worry..

Are you sure...I mean...here have some water...

No it's fine...

Zhan told me to give this to you...

Yibo was speechless so he silently grabbed the bottle.

Do you want to go home...I can arrange car for you to leave...


Yubin got his answer so he was leaving when Yibo stopped him..

He handed him some ointment for Zhan.
Outside from the tent Zhan was looking him through tent window Yibo looked and their eyes met. Yubin just smiled and left from there.
These two are really weird and stupid...

Shooting scene was ready so Yibo decided to not to go even though car was arranged.
Zhan was lost in something or someone (ahm ahm you know)
Like that shooting was done but someone was not so happy with Zhan's closeness towards Yibo so when Yibo was doing her hair style.

Ziyi: Yibo...you know what I was thinking that you have self respect but what I'm seeing is nothing like that.

Yibo: I don't know what you are talking about mam but please be still or your hairstyle might be ruined.


Sorry for late update and short chapter
Thanks for reading 😊
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