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Yibo, Yanli and Fulu was going for shopping when Yucheng offered them his car but Yibo didn’t know driving so Yucheng also went with them...
When they reached at mall Yucheng went to park his car while trio entered inside...
Fulu was with Yibo holding his finger and looking for soft toys and Yanli was looking for clothes.

Fulu what's yours wish for Christmas?
I'm what are you expecting as a gift from santa?

I'm expecting a bigggg panda...and mumma...

Yibo's steps halted when he heard what Fulu's wish is so he just hummed and looked for a cute little panda and purchased for Fulu...then he went to look a gift for his appa and omma...he was looking a wristwatch for his father and at that time Fulu went somewhere looking here and there...
When Yibo took the gift he looked for Fulu but she was not there so he rushed outside.
He was scared that what if he lost her...
But soon he spotted her so he walked to her.


Bo bo...

Where were you going Fulu...I was scared...

I...I'm sorry bo bo...I'm also scared...I'll not do this again...
She cried...but soon Yibo shushed her and Yanli also came there.

Bo bo you purchased everything?

No jie...actually I lost her so...

Ok ok I'm going with her...you can go...

Yibo entered inside a showpiece counter..
He was looking a gift for Yanli but a cute thing attracted his attention...

He was looking a gift for Yanli but a cute thing attracted his attention

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Pair of swan in snow globe...Yibo looked at this with so much love and adoration and for a second his mind went to certain someone but he was unaware of the fact that certain someone was looking at him at the same time.

Yibo then looked around and saw a cute musical box so he decided to buy that.
After that he bought a miniature of family in which there was mom, dad, and their kids a boy and a girl so Yibo thought that a perfect gift for his mom...then went back to soft toys counter and ordered a big size panda for Fulu and asked them to deliver that next day at his home...
He called Yanli...

Hello! Jie I'm done with my shopping where are you?

I'm behind you...bo..


He saw Yanli and Fulu was enjoying ice-cream...

Not fair jie...you're enjoying ice-cream without me...he made a sulky face...

Ok ok...don't be sulky baby...wait here...

She ran to take ice-cream for him but soon Yucheng joined them...but Yanli came with only one cone so Yibo decided to give his ice-cream to Yucheng but he denied but again Yibo offered so our smart Fulu suggested...

Ohoo appa and bobo why not sharing...first you eat then share it with appa...ok appa?


Yibo hesitated but he took a bite then gave him the cone...but he was uncomfortable a little bit so he walked to other side but far from their eyesight someone was fuming in anger when he saw the scene....



Guess who?

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