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Zhan went to America for some work...

And here Yibo gave shelter to Yucheng and Fulu.

It's been a week and there life was going normally and Yanli was also back at home but Mrs Wang was not so happy because a totally stranger was living in her house so she asked to Yibo..

When is he planning to leave...I think now he is recovered enough to go away from here...

Omma...how am I suppose to say to him to leave and also Fulu baby is happy here...
And for now I'm leaving for studio...I'll talk about this in the evening...


Yibo was going out when Yanli came...

Bo..bo...I wanna ask you something...

Yeah jie?

Zhan...I've not heard about him...I mean is everything ok on sets and studio?

Everything is fine and peaceful because Zhan went somewhere for his personal work.

Oh..ok..good I guess...

Yeah ok bye jie...


Yibo left from there but Yanli thought..

I really wish bo...God give you the love and peace you searching for...

Yanli thought like this because from when she came she saw Yibo daily sat down in balcony stairs and stared Zhan's  poster banner for hours....

I don't know what's going on in your mind and heart but I know one thing bo that you still love him...somewhere in your heart he is there...

Yanli sighed and went inside.

Yubin was on call...

Yubin you didn't tell me...how's everything in studio...

Zhan I already told you everything is fine...

What about Ziyi?


Yeah ziyi...

She's still the way she is...



I've not asked about him Yubin...

Yeah but you wanted to know...

No...I don't...but what's the situation of that Yucheng?

Mmm I've heard...he is living in Wang's house...


Relax Zhan...just heard not sure...

Then be sure and tell me...bye...

Yubin smiled at Zhan's behaviour and his restlessness in his voice was funny when he heard that Yucheng is living in Wang's house...

When Yibo came studio...Yubin greeted him...

Hey Yibo! How are you?

Fine Yubin...how's you...btw why are you here in studio...is he back?

Ohh no no...he is not...I'm just for time pass...

Yubin smiled awkwardly...

Time pass? Yubin seriously?

Yeah...Zhan is not here so I'm bored...

Yeah sure he is a good entertainer...

Yibo said sarcastically...but Yubin didn't mind that..

Oh Yibo I heard that Yucheng is living in your house?

What? N..no...y..you heard it wrong...and Excuse me I've to go to do heroine's hair...


Yibo left but Yubin got his answer. He called to Zhan...


Hello Zhan!  Yucheng is really living with Wangs...

Whatt..what the...yo..

Yeah got it I'll book your flight tickets and inform you..

Yeah good...

Yubin smiled at Zhan's reaction...

When Yibo reached at home...Mrs.wang again said the same thing...

Omma...I'll talk to Yucheng but can't we keep Fulu here?

Bo..please...he is a mafia person....and she is his daughter...you know how's mafia persons are...and how there life...

I know very well...and you know too...

That's why I'm saying it's dangerous...

But she is just a kid...

But we can't keep her...

Omma but...

STOP it...enough Yibo stob behaving like her parent...you are not her father...
I can't put my children's life at stake for someone...
And what if his enemies attacked on you or Yanli or us...then what...

You are right Mrs Wang...I'm sorry for bothering you all and risking your lives...but in this not my fault or not my Fulu's fault...
I was an orphan and went on wrong road by taking part in some illegal works but her mom came like a light and pulled me out from that world but God took her away from me...and once again darkness consumed my light but It's not Fulu's fault...
And don't worry soon I'll go away from here...till then nothing will happen to you or your family...

Saying that Yucheng left from there and both Yibo and Mrs Wang shared a apologetic look...
Yibo caressed Fulu's forehead lovingly who was sleeping cutely.







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