Chapter 1

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Onodera POV

I've working in the Maruwaka Company for quite a while now, all my co workers always do a lot of work, which makes them dead tired. I'm always working trying to improve things, but then Takano San comes in my work life and private life. Honestly he gets on my nerves at times, but outside of work he's nice and sweet......too sweet it makes me want to cry. EHHHH?! WHAT AM I SAYING, ITS NOT LIKE I LIKE HIM?!
But why every time he touches me or when he's near me, my heart started to race and pound. Do I love him still?

Well, I do actually, I did admit to Yokozawa that I love Takano. I don't know how to tell him I love him, I'm nervous to tell him. He's my boss too so wouldn't it be awkward if we started going out?

I don't know what to do, but I 'm scared to be around Takano sometimes when he's angry. Yokozawa, I'm not scared of him that much, He's starting to be nice to me, before he use to be rude to me and would tell me to stay away from Takano because he loved him, but I think Yokozawa loves someone else. Yokozawa also praised me too so I'm happy he's nicer to me now.

Kisa San and I were talking about these Novels a famous writer wrote, I think his name was Usami. After a while, I told Kisa San I had to use the bathroom he pouted and said "really Rii Chan, were having a good conversation too.". I felt bad, but I told him it would be quick. I then went to the bathroom, after using is it, I started to wash my hands. I heard someone come in, looking up, it was Takano San.

Ba-dump Ba-dump, what's happening?! My heart is racing and pounding so much. I stood still and said "good morning". He closed the door from the bathroom and said "good morning". Oh my god, why does he have to be here, in all places he could be right now, me and him have to be alone?! I quickly dried my hands and tried avoiding eye contact with Takano when suddenly I felt Takano pull me by my shoulders and forcefully pushed me against the wall.

'Oww!'. What was he going to do?! I heard his voice saying "why are you trying to avoid me like before?". I swallowed and and tried not looking at him, but he used one of his hands to hold my face and keep my eyes looking at him. In a whispering voice saying to him "I'm not trying too.....". He said "liar", he then put his lips on my lips. 'Shit!', my body feels limpy almost, why is that happening, he's just kissing me and I already feel like this. I tried to lightly push him away from me, but he just forced himself more on me. I then felt him try to touch me where my crotch was, 'oh no'. I gasped and tried to swing my arm but suddenly, he started to kiss me again, but with his tongue this time. My face felt hot, I hope I'm not blushing, what am I saying, I probably am blushing.

I have to stop him though, I can't make this continue! I pushed Takano off me as hard as I could and yelled "DON'T TOUCH ME!". His eyes widen in shock, I was panting for air and just wanted to get out of the bathroom already. I then ran to the door to get away from him as possible. While running away, I heard him yelling my name "Onodera!". I don't want him to do this while were at work! I love him but.......wait, did I just say that I love him again? Ba-dump, Ba-dump, my heart is beating again, should I stop running then. Takano was starting to catch up to me, I started to walk slow, then fast again. I'm too embarrassed to tell him I love him again!

I then made it back to the room and sat back down next to Kisa San and was taking in heavy breathers from running. Kisa San looked confused and asked "Rii Chan, why are you so out of breathe, did something happen while you started to go to the bathroom?", I couldn't tell Kisa San, it would be embarrassing and weird if I told him. I said kinda shaky and out of breath kinda "umm, nothing really, just ran a little so I could come here quicker.". Kisa San sighed saying "ok, whatever you say Rii Chan.". I was kinda calming down, even if Takano comes in room for all of us to work, but maybe he won't come in right now.

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