Chapter 6

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Onodera POV

I woke up to Takano's chest, I felt kinda hot, like sick. I got up quietly and again, I felt him wrap his arms around me while I was getting up. I said "what are you doing, let me go"! He snickered "And where do you think your going"? I said in flustered "G-going to leave to get ready for work". I got up taking my stuff and went to my apartment. I put on new clothing and felt hot, am I sick? Even if I am, I can't let it get in the way of work. If I miss work, I'll just have more work to do. I got the rest of the stuff and left to work.

I made it to work and everyone looked busy, I saw some people go back and fourth of the office. I sat down and saw there was so much work on my desk. I just sighed and began working, I just want to get this over with. I need to work as hard as Takano does. Maybe I'll be like him and be a boss too. But he told me before it wasn't easy to be in the position he's in. I started to work hard and as fast as I can on what I had to work on. Even if I'm sick, I'm not letting it get in the way now!

(Several hours later)

Everyone was dead tired, I felt tired, but I need to work more, I finished, but I should get some work out of the way. I skipped my lunch break, I was too busy working on the manuscripts. Everyone began to leave, I stayed at my desk putting all the papers down. I'm so tired, I think my fever got worse but it was worth it, I hope. I then felt someone put there hand NY shoulder, I looked behind and saw Takano. He said "You did great work today, everyone did". I said "Yeah, it was worth it". He looked at me and said "Are you feeling alright, you look pale"? Dammit, he's going to notice I'm sick! I said "I'm ok! Let's just go home"! We grabbed our coats and started to walk out. He started to talk to me, but my head started to hurt a lot, my head felt dizzy. My stomach felt empty, my vision started to blur. I then pulled lightly on the back of Takano's jacket and my vision went black. The last thing I heard was "Onodera? Onodera?!".

Takano POV

I felt Onodera grab the back of my jacket and was about to fall on the ground, but I caught him before he could fall. My eyes widen when I saw him pass out, oh my god its probably a fever! He did look pale earlier, he probably got sick. I carried him on my back and took him to my apartment and laid him on my bed.
I took off his jacket and shoes and checked his temperature. It was a high fever, and he said he didn't feel sick! It got me pissed off that he lied to me, what the hell is wrong with him lying to me. I sighed and looked at him, I put my hand on his forehead and checked again, he was still hot. He was breathing heavily too, he must have a hard time breathing. I said trying to wake him up "Onodera, wake up. Onodera". I shook his shoulders lightly and heard him groan. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at me in surprise and said "T-takano"? He coughed a little after and then rubbed his eyes.

Onodera POV

I woke up to hearing my name being called, I heard "Onodera, wake up. Onodera". I opened my eyes, I saw Takano in front of me. Wait, I saw Takano in front of me!? I felt weak and tired and said "T-takano"? I coughed and rubbed my eyes kinda since I woke up. He hugged me and said "Don't scare me like that, I almost had a heart attack". My eyes got teary kinda, he cared, he's kind. Too kind, it makes my eyes watery. Then he stopped hugging me and yelled "Why the hell didn't you tell me you had a fever Baka"!! I take back what I said about him being kind. He sighed and said "Is there anything else your hiding from me"? I looked down not facing him and said "I skipped lunch at work and did extra work non stop.....". I looked up at him, his eyes were widen and he said "Are you a Baka"?! I said "Yes I am"! I then said "I did it because I want to catch up and be like Takano". He looked at me and sighed "It took me a long time to be in the position I'm in, do you think you'll just get it right away"? Listening to what he said, he was true what he said, I then answered saying "I know, but I want to work hard and see how it feels like to work hard just like you"! He looked at me in surprise and said "After all this time, you've been chasing me even now". My heart started to race, I felt my face feel hot, is it my fever or am I blushing. I still felt sick though, and I was hungry too. My stomached growled and he snickered saying "Stay here, I'll go make you something". I nodded my head and laid back down. My whole body felt hot, I felt dizzy again, I'm probably hungry.

(10-12 minutes later)

Takano came in with a bowl of rice, curry and some water. I began to eat fast, I was so hungry.

(3 minutes later)

I was full, Takano cooks really good. I drank some water and put it on the tray. I still felt kinda hot and dizzy. He said "Your done"? I answered back saying "Yes, and can I use the bathroom"? He nodded his head 'yes'. I went to get up, when suddenly my legs gave out and I felt super dizzy. Takano catched me and said "Are you alright"? My body felt weak, I said "D-do you have some medicine I could take"? He shook his head 'yes' and went to get the medicine.

He came back with a bottle of medicine and another one with pills.
He said "The drinkable only helps for 24 hours, the other says it'll help all symptoms". I started to think which to take and said "I'll use the pills". He took the pills out and I started to say "I have to swallow these"? He said "Yes, let me help you with that". He put the pills in my mouth and started to kiss me. He tackled me on the bed and I gripped his arms tightly. He started to use his tongue and put his tongue on mine. My body feels hotter and my heart is racing fast. He got off me and I gasped for air and coughed "What the hell Takano! Why did you do that". He snickered "To help you swallow your pills". My cheeks on my face felt hot, I'm probably blushing, but I laid down and said "Baka, I'm going to sleep". I felt him lay down next to me, turned my body over so my head was on his chest and started to hug me. He said "Let's go asleep together, maybe you'll feel better soon if we do". I relaxed and started to fall asleep, I felt so comfortable in his arms and bed. I felt and heard his heart beat going fast, mine was going fast too. I hope my fever goes away soon though, hopefully it will.

Onodera: Why do you make me and Takano do this

Me: Its for the readers, we love you guys soooo

Takano: I wouldn't care, make us totally lovey dovey

Onodera: *blushes* BAKA!

Me: My child is cute as ever

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