Chapter 8

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Onodera POV

Takano's face wasn't happy at all, he looked pissed off. I got up and said H-hi Haitani San"! 'I have to make it look like nothing happened'. He smiled and said "The beauty is wonderful here isn't it". I nodded my head, my stomach was hurting from anxiety. I went to look at Takano, he was just giving a glare at Haitani. I heard him say in a unhappy tone "Why the hell are you here"? 'He's totally not happy now". "I can't walk in this lovely view thats here", Haitani said in a happy tone. Should I stay here, should I leave before things get worse. I then felt Haitani walk closer to us, Haitani put his hand on my shoulder and said "Are you guys going out? The moment you guys just had looked like it". I saw him smirk, I started to shake, 'what do I do'?! "Umm...I d-don't know how to answer th-". I was cut off when I saw Takano grab Haitani's hand that was on my shoulder. He took his hand off me and said "Lay the fuck off already". Then Takano grabbed my hand and said "We're leaving". We started to walk, I heard Haitani say "See you guys next time". Takano gripped my wrist tightly and started to walk to the apartments.

(At apartments)

Takano took me to his house and and when we got inside the house, he started to kiss me forcefully and roughly. I almost fell back onto the floor. I gripped the sleeves of his jacket and pushed him off me. "What the hell, why are you doing this"!? He stopped and then said "Haitani touched you, I don't want that guy touching you. Stay away from him". I then replied "We didn't know he was there when we got there though". It got silence for a moment until Takano picked me up and started to walk to the bedroom. "W-what the hell?! Let go of me Takano San"! He then took me to his bedroom and closed the door, he put me down. I stood up and Takano started to hug me tightly. My heart started to pound, I started to say to Takano "Umm, Takano, l-let go please". He just hugged me tighter and said "I don't want anyone taking you away from me, I'm always afraid that I might not see you again too. I don't want to experience that again. I love you Ritsu". Oh my god, what do I do, what do I do?! I lightly tried to push Takano off me and said "Umm, Takano, we're not even dating". He threw me on the bed and got on top of me, he then looked into my eyes and said "You didn't get to finish your answer at the park". 'I thought he would forget'. I don't want to say it now, "I don't remember the question". Maybe he'll forget about it. He intertwined his hands with mine, "The question was do you love me"? My heart was beating faster, what do I say, its awkward! Why does Takano have to be kind, yet I'm afraid to tell him my answer. I felt my eyes get teary, 'why do my eyes have to get teary now'?! Takano then started to put his head on my shoulder and neck and started to kiss me on those places. "T-takano San! Get off me"! He then stopped and said in my ear "Do you know how long I loved you? Ten years I loved you, holding my feelings for you". My eyes widen from what he just said, 'all those years, he remembered me'. He then started to kiss me on the lips. His lips were so soft and nice on mine, I didn't fight back for him to stop, I kinda just let him do what he want. He entered his tongue into my mouth, he twirled his tongue with my tongue. He started to kiss me so much that I needed air. I tried to make him stop to get some air, but he kept going. I wonder if I can even tell Takano I love him, do I have courage to say I love him? How can I even tell him, do I even love him, I told Yokozawa I did and at the park, I don't know why, but when Takano asked me if I loved him, I got too scared to tell him, but also at that moment, I wanted to tell him 'Takano, I love you'. I'm so confused on what to do. Takano stopped kissing me for a moment and we both gasped for air. My body felt so limpy again, I'm probably blushing a lot right now.

Takano was then unbuttoning his shirt, he left his tank top on and threw his shirt on the floor. He removed my jacket and started to unbutton my shirt and left it on me, revealing my chest and abdomen. He then put me between my legs and started to hold me in his arms. He then whispered in my ear "I love you", after saying that, he started to kiss me again with our tongues intertwined. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling me closer into him. He then put his arms around me, pulling me more into the kiss. He used one of his hands to touch my hair and started to gently touch it. What am I doing, am I really enjoying this, but I should. I didn't want to let go of him, not yet. I let out soft moans when he started to move his tongue in my mouth with mine. "Mphh, ahh...". My head is starting to feel fuzzy, I feel tired too. I felt my eyes starting to close. Takano noticed I was starting to get sleepy, he stopped and let us get air. He then embraced me into a hug and held me like I was something precious to him. He laid me down after, Takano kissed my forehead and said "Goodnight". He laid down with me and held me tight in his arms. Before I started to go asleep, he whispered in my ear "I love you, Ritsu". He then kissed my ear and started to go asleep. Being in arms make me feel safe, am I starting to fall in love with Takano completly? How do I truly feel about Takano San?

Onodera: *glares*

Me: What precious cinnamon roll?

Onodera: What am I doing in this chapter?!

Me: *snickers* Falling more in love with Takano

Takano: I love you Ritsu

Onodera: *blushes* I HATE YOU BOTH!

Me and Takano: We still love you

Onodera: *facepalms*

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