Hyunlix moving

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The two spend the first few days of their "honeymoon" packing their belongings. Only half way through the moving process.

Felix works on Jinhyun's room while the little one sits in his crib.

"Whew. I have so many plushies.", he stuffed the fourth box then moves onto the fifth one.

Jinhyun begins whimpering while looking at the blonde.
"What's wrong, angel?"

The little one makes grabby hands towards him.
"You want me or the plushie? The plushie?"

Felix hands him the plushie then he throws it to the other side of the crib.

"Since you like throwing things you should be in sports."
Jinhyun giggles.

"Ok, babe. I'm done with my game room.", Hyunjin came in.
"Already? That was fast."

"It's been over an hour and you only boxed your plushies?"

"I need them. And Jinhyun likes that one...which is why he's throwing it."

"Do you need a break?"
"No. Why?"

"Because you're carrying another baby and I don't want you to overwork yourself. And you're moving pretty slow."

"I am not. Not everything is rush."

"The moving truck is coming here in a couple of hours, so I'd like to be done."

"Hyun. I got this."

The older didn't really believe him, so he decided to help which sped up the process much faster. Once done Felix takes a seat on the couch and drinks some water.

"You ok?"
"Yeah. I just need a break for a bit."

"You can take a nap if you want before the moving people come."
"Good idea."

Felix lays down then the older places Jinhyun on top of him.
"Let's take a nap, my angel.", he pats his back gently.

Soon the two fell asleep and Hyunjin takes a picture of them in awe then covers them with a blanket.

Hyunjin heads to his office for the last time to get the remainder of his things. As he packs Jisung knocks before entering the office.

"Hey, boss. Are you excited?"

"About what?"
"About you and me working together."

"We're not working together. You are working for me. Sadly."
"I know you joke. I'm very fun to be around."

"...sure. Anything else?"
"Nope." He stands there smiling in silence.

"Ok..you can leave now."
"Ok! See you at work!", he leaves the office.

Back at the house the doorbell rings twice, waking up Felix.

The doorbell rings again and a knock was heard then Jinhyun starts crying from the noise.

"Greeaat.", he gets up then heads groggily towards the door while patting the little one's back.

"Can I help you?", he asked after opening the door.
"We're the movers. Sorry that we're a bit early."

"It's fine.", he lets them in then went to the kitchen for his phone.

Hyunjin x Felix series 2Where stories live. Discover now