Somebody like you

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"Jisung, are you ok?", Felix knocks.
"What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's Minho..he...s-said we should split up.", he cries.
"I'm so sorry."

"He said he needs to t-think about what he wants. I can't go see him cause he went with Hyunjin. I should've said yes. Why am I so stupid?"

"You're not stupid. Jisung, please come out."
"No...I don't want you see me l-like this."

"I don't care what you look like. Just please come out.", he keeps an eye on the kids.

The blonde waits a moment before the door opens. He gives Jisung a warm hug.

"I'm sorry. What can I do to make you feel better?"
"Just..hold me."

Later that night Felix had put Jinhyun and Lily to sleep and the two lay in bed in the guest room where the older was staying while watching a movie. Jisung had stopped crying as the younger comforts him in his arms.

"I see why Lily always falls asleep.", he spoke.
"Heh. Even Hyunjin does the same. If you fall asleep, I won't stop you."


Not long after he was sleeping soundly as well as Felix. They both sleep heavily and when morning came their limbs were on top of each other's. The blonde wakes up first and realized he was lying on the older's chest. He looks down between his legs.

"Shit.", he curses to himself. He sneaks out of bed and leaves the room without waking him up.

Soon after, Jisung wakes up with the same problem. After addressing it and washing up he went to the kitchen where Felix with the two kids already up.

"Oh, am I late getting up?"
"No. We just got here not too long ago."

"Do you need help with anything?"
"Uhm, do you wanna feed Lily or make breakfast?"

"I can feed Lily. I'm not good at making food."

"Ok.", he hands her over him and the younger's hands touch Jisung's which made him feel a spark but, the older didn't notice.

"'s her bottle."
"Are you hungry, Lily pad? I bet you are." She coos in response.

He sits next to Jinhyun who was in his high chair eating with his hands.
"How come he's not learning to use a spoon?"

"Because he gets the messiest with utensils."
"Worse than now?"

They saw the mess that was over his hands, face and bib.

"That's your oppa, Lily."
Felix stares at him for a bit before coming back to his senses when his phone rings.

"Hey, hun."
"I'm checking in to see how things are going."

"We're fine. You?"
"Not bad I guess."
"You will bring a souvenir home, right?"

"I'll stop by a store somewhere and get you something."
"No I mean...the other souvenir. You know?"

"Ohhh. Of course I will. I wouldn't forget."
"And that's why I love you."

"Love you too. I need to talk to Jisung."
"Why not call him?"

"He doesn't pick up."
"Oh ok.", he hands his phone to the older. "It's Hyunjin."

"Hey boss man. What's up?"
"Why can't you pick up your phone?"

"Oh. It's off."
"Minho wanted me to ask you why didn't you respond to him?"

"What was I supposed to say? Great idea? I never want to see you again? It wasn't even my fault. He's taking it too far for no reason. He can't even wait cause he's impatient. I don't want to be with somebody like that." He hangs up.

Hyunjin turns off the speaker and the call ends.
" you know.", he leaves Minho alone in his thoughts.

"This is why I'm better off by myself. To avoid the pain. I should've ended it a long time ago.", Jisung told.

"Don't say that. What if he comes around?"
"I don't think he will. And that's what hurts the most."

"Do you want me to help you take your mind off it?"

"Ok. Let's eat first then get dressed."

Once Felix dressed his children Jisung comes out wearing all denim with yellow converse that matched his shirt and bandanna he wore around his neck.

"Wow you look

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"Wow you look...different."
"Is it a good different?"
"Yeah totally."

"This is my style when I'm not in business attire."
"You look good either way."

"Why thank you. And you as well."
"Psh. I still have the weight gain."
"You can hardly tell. Don't worry so much about it."

"Easy for you to say. You're slim."
"Yah. Stop putting yourself down. You're perfect the way you are."

The younger looks at how serious he is and his face flushed then turns away.

"Don't..say it like that. Gasp! I forgot Hyunjin's car isn't here."

"Their car seats are in there."
"You don't have spares?"
"No. I have to call him real quick."

The blonde gives his husband a call while Jisung plays with Jinhyun and Lily who were in their chairs. Afterwards, Felix hangs up.

"Ok he said they'll bring the car back. I hope it doesn't take long."
"Where do you plan on us going?"

"The zoo."

Hyunjin x Felix series 2Where stories live. Discover now