The news reaction

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Jisung, Minho and the older's parents were sitting at the table eating dinner. Whenever Eomma and appa would look at Jisung he would flash a nervous smile towards them. But it did nothing.

"So, Minho.", his appa speaks up. "Is there a reason why I had to schedule an absence from my job to be here?"

"Yes there is."
"It's not about that disgusting office job, is it? I don't care how much it pays. It's despicable."

"No I quit that job. I'm a teacher now."
His appa stops eating. "Oh. I see you went that route after all."

"I did. And I like it very much so there's no changing my mind. But I called you both here to tell you something else."

Just then Jisung reaches for his glass of water when Minho's Eomma saw the diamond ring.
"Oh my! You- you're-", she was flabbergasted.

"Honey, what is it?"
"The..the...", she points at Jisung's finger.
"Surprise.", Jisung says.

Later the four sit in the living room with Mrs. Lee who gives Jisung's ring an inspection.
"I must say, Minho. This is really an over the top ring. I'm actually in envy."

"I just found something that he's worth for

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"I just found something that he's worth for. The best." That makes the younger smile.
"How much was it?", his appa asks.

"Can't put a price on love. But there's other news too."
"I don't think anything can top this.", his Eomma still stares at the ring.

"Maybe it will."
"I would like to say it if you yall don't mind.", Jisung stood up.

He faces the parents and then gets a rush of nervousness which makes him feel like throwing up. He takes a deep breath then continues.

"I'm pregnant."
It was a moment of silence before Mrs. Lee falls back on the couch, fainted.

"Honey." The two went to her side.
"Oh my god. I killed her. I-I didn't mean to."

"It's fine. She just fainted."
She starts to wake up.
"Ughn..tell me.."

"Are you ok, Eomma?"
"Oh please, ma'am. Forgive me.", Jisung fell to his knees.

"Tell me, Jisung. Do you mean what you said?"
"Yes, ma'am. I am so sorry."
"Not that."

She looks into his eyes closely then whispered in his ear.
"Gasp! Really?"

"Just between us."
"Ok. Promise.", he couldn't hide his smile.

Minho and Jisung walk the parents outside then Mrs. Lee turned to the younger.
"Take care of yourself, Jisung. You're family now."

The two leave then Jisung jumps in happiness.
"Oh my god! Yes! Yes yes yes! Haha did you see that, Minho?!"

"I did."
"Whew! I was nervy for nothing. She does like me."

" might be because you're carrying her grandchild."
"What do you mean?"

"She just cares about the baby. I know. She was the same with me. You think my appa is controlling? She's a whole other level. That's why I left."

"But..why? She's not the parent."
"I don't know. That's just who she is."

"Aw man. Now I feel stupid.", he plops on the couch.
"You're not. She's just a bad parent."

"Well she will be nowhere near our child. This baby can do whatever they want."
"What did my Eomma whisper to you?"

"Oh. I don't know if it's true or not. But she seemed like was telling the truth."
"About what?"

"The gender."
"Wha- it's too soon for that."
"That's why I'm not sure if it's true."

"What did she say?"
"Will you not tell me?"

"If it is true, then I want you to be surprised."
"You know I don't like surprises."
"But it's our child."

"Mmm..still no."
"Ok. It's a boy."

"Is that the truth?"
"50-50.", he chuckles.

"You can't get it out of me. You will love this surprise. I promise you."

A few months later. Mid June.

The two had finished planning their wedding and went to Hyunjin's and Felix's house to discuss details since they each played best man to both Minho and Jisung.

"So are you excited?", Felix asks Jisung in the living room.
"I sure am. You mean the marriage right?"

"And your birth."
"Oh I'm terrified about that. You did you do it twice?"

"It wasn't easy but I had Hyunjin there with me. And it helps a bit but so does the morphine."

"It's not just the pain. I'm having second thoughts about being a parent. It just doesn't suit me."

"You say that now but later it will without you even realizing it. I'm here for you too."
"Thanks. But after this...not again."

Upstairs in Hyunjin's office space.

"You know I'm a bit surprised that you chose me to be your best man."
"Who did you think I'll pick? Your son? Actually that's not a bad idea."

"Really?", he raised an eyebrow. "Anyways after all we've been through I'm happy to see our relationship lasting this long."

"Meh. I guess."
"That response is better than nothing. I'll take it. Figure out the gender yet?"

"Sigh no. Jisung won't tell me. My Eomma thinks she has some kind of psychic powers so she told him but I think Jisung believes her."

"Maybe it's an intuition."
"Psh. She thinks she knows everything. I hate surprises so why can't he just tell me?"

"But it's your child. It should be surprising for you at least."
"No.", he said with a straight face.

Hyunjin x Felix series 2Where stories live. Discover now