R U S S O 5

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R U S S O 5

Last night's game was talked about a lot, especially since there was one hell of a touchdown made by Mateo. Quite a few, actually. This caused Cambridge University to bring home a second win of the semester, leaving a bunch of posts online with Mateo tagged. However, celebrating the win wasn't done by scrolling on his phone and responding or liking comments; it was filled with drinks, good music, and a packed house.

It was just a great night, and as the weekend came to be endured, it was also considered great.

Monday rolled around fast, and people were slowly walking to their classes. Anastasia was part of that group after returning to campus. She and the team had a weightlifting session this morning, and the time seemed to move quickly through the workout.

So, on top of learning cheers and dance routines, they had to do exercises in order to develop the strength that was needed in a cheerleader.

Anastasia had a love-hate relationship with it, and today she was in the middle. She was able to wash the sweat away at her apartment, which was ten minutes from the school, getting back in time for her class with Professor Quinn in a pair of shorts and a gray sweatshirt with the school's logo on it.

"We have a quiz on Wednesday, and this will be counted as a grade," Professor Quinn announced, numerous groans and lips smacking occurring. He puts a smile on his face, "moan and groan all you want, but I posted this online and sent out emails just to be sure. All of you had to see it, so I don't wanna hear it."

"I didn't get it," a student claimed.

"Yeah, me neither!" another chimed in.

Professor Quinns sits at the edge of his desk and says, "well, now you guys know," not willing to change the date of the quiz, "be sure to submit the homework I posted before eight p.m. and study for the quiz."

A student raised their hand, and Professor Quinn nodded at them to speak. Once getting the floor, the student asks, "how many questions are gonna be on it?"

Professor Quinn says, "good question. There will be twenty-six and two extra credit towards the end of the quiz. I've gone over what's going to be on there, so please don't come to me and say otherwise."

Many students used that excuse; however, many students were right. Some professors didn't discuss the important things that were going to be listed on an exam and just tossed their students to the wolves. If the entire class fails, it's even more obvious that during the lecture, certain things were not highlighted enough or at all.

"Will we be able to retake it if we fail?" A student questioned, Anastasia listening out for the answer because she was wondering this, too.

The professor answers with, "I haven't decided yet, but let's have a little faith that you're going to at least get a seventy percent on it."

Anastasia scuffed. She didn't see herself getting even that, hoping Professor Quinn would allow a retake.

Professor Quinn adds, "if there aren't anymore questions, you guys are free from my class," a smile on his face, the students rushing to get up from their seats. While his eyes skimmed the class as they stuffed laptops and notebooks in their bags, Professor Quinn let his focus land on Anastasia.

"When's the quiz again, Professor Quinn?" a student asked from the front row.

Professor Quinn smirked, "Wednesday during class hours. Be here early to get yourself situated," he said, the student nodding and heading out. Professor Quinn let his attention turn over towards Anastasia again and saw that she was walking down the stairs, "Anastasia, can we talk for a moment?"

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