R U S S O 38

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R U S S O 38

Jameson exited the workout room with Carly, both of their chests panting as they struggled to catch their breath. Carly twisted open her hydroflask and drank the water that was left inside to quench her thirst.

She was tired, hot, and sweaty, in desperate need of a breather, but she continued to exit the building.

The semester would be over before anyone knew it, and students and even professors couldn't wait. They needed some sort of fun in their lives, so while people were planning their winter break vacations and spring break festivities for next year, Jameson was planning his wedding.

"I don't care if it's in a courthouse or a wedding on the beach; I want to be Mr. Jameson Wyatt already," Jameson said, grinning brightly.

Carly says, "That's a big step," as she glances over her shoulder at him.

"It is, but I don't care." Jameson says while wiping the beads of sweat off his forehead, lost in his daydream.

"What has you in this big love bubble anyway?" she asks, now walking to his right.

"I didn't know how to say it before, but another one of your friends is walking around here with a boyfriend," he says, and it takes Carly by surprise.

"Shut up! No way."

"No, I won't shut up, and yes, way. Kyrie asked me last night." Jameson whirls his key ring around his finger. "Said being without me felt like being in a dessert without water, and he was ready to take it to the next step."

"I love this for you!" Carly squeals, stopping to hold his hands. "You deserve all the love in the world."

Jameson nods confidently, "I know," which makes Carly laugh. "The slut life is going to miss me, but I am officially off the market hunty," dancing with his shoulders.

Carly was seeing her friends embark on their journey of romance, and while she was without a doubt excited for them, hearing about it reminded her of what she lost.

Then, on top of missing her ex, Tyler was getting close to someone else. That felt like shit.

"The slut life had its fun; enjoy this. Take care of it," Carly says, Jameson pouting his bottom lip.

"We need to get you into the slut life," Jameson said, bringing her in by tossing his arm over her shoulder. "I could give you the tricks and the trades, showing you how it's done and how to not get caught up."

"I'm alright."

"Have you tried to move on from this?" Jameson asks, getting more serious.

"Like talking to other people? No," and before he says something along the lines of Tyler is out there doing whatever he wants, "I haven't found anyone, and I don't think I want to. Maybe single Carly needs to come back for a little while," she said, smiling and satisfied with her decision.

Carly knew she was that girl and could get a guy to buy her flowers, take her on dates, and spoil her in a matter of seconds. However, she didn't want that with anyone else but Tyler, and faking it was a waste of her time and the person she drags along.

She knew Tyler wasn't over her either. She's heartbroken, not blind. He's only growing close with someone else to make her his rebound, and Carly was certain that it was to make her jealous.

Guys played at that game, too, not only women.

Jameson sighs, "I really saw y'all lasting forever." Now that thought seemed less ideal. "You think somewhere down the line he might forgive you and say, forget everything and get back with you?"

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