R U S S O 22

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R U S S O 22

When it came to an away game, traveling by charter bus was the norm. However, today, the team was required to get on a flight, with expenses paid by the school.

These days meant early mornings to ensure bags were checked in and people were in their seats before takeoff.

Anastasia loved flying and looked forward to days like this, but not today. She was tired, even after hopping in the shower this morning. She could barely get any sleep after spending hours studying and getting assignments done. Her brain felt like it was about to burst.

She was barely present, finding a seat on the charter bus that took her to the airport.

She felt a bit more alive when Mateo finally responded to her, apologizing for his late text because he got up late and nearly missed the flight. He was able to make it, traveling with the team to the airport by rushing out the door.

They were expected to be on the same plane, but their seats were far apart. They could see if they could swap, but not all flights allowed that.

Either way, she couldn't wait to see him.

"Babe!" Carly shouted, startling Anastasia.

When Anastasia lifted her head, she expected to see Tyler, but she was also anticipating Mateo's arrival. She saw a few more people from the football team, but not him.

"How was the ride here?" Tyler asked, kissing Carly.

"Ew, can y'all stop with that straight shit?" Jameson asked as he pushed his shades onto his face. He also didn't get enough sleep, but it made him cranky.

"Oh, shut it." Tyler fanned him off, kissing Carly again.

Carly smiles up at him and says, "Well, the ride was great, but I'm more scared about riding that big bird in the sky."

Tyler sighs lightly and says, "That's right. You have a fear of flying. Want me to see if we could get a seat next to each other?"

"I don't think the flight attendant would let us," she sighs. "We asked last time, and they said no."

Jameson leaned on Anastasia with his arm linked to hers and said, "Look at them being all cute."

Anastasia beamed, "right-"

"Carly ain't tell that man she had a sex dream about Gabrielle," Jameson blurts out.

Anastasia turns her head, "She told you?"

"No, but they look too happy," Jameson glances at her. He asked, "You told Gabrielle about it?"

"Nope," she says, shaking her head. "I think she should tell herself."

"Knowing her scary ass, she won't," he proposes.

Hearing them call out about the flight for the last time, Anastasia looked around and spotted Mateo. He was getting out of line, slowly making his way over to her.

"Jesus Mateo, you nearly missed your flight," Anastasia said, looking at him.

He stopped mid-chew to say, "I was hungry," holding his carry-on bag in his other hand.

"Was it worth nearly missing your flight?" she smirked up at him as he stood close.

He tilts the wrap in his hand and says, "Taste it and find out."

Anastasia reached out to take a bite, getting a burst of the creamy sauce in her mouth and tasting the tomatoes, lettuce, chicken, and parmesan. 

Jameson groaned before asking, "When will the straight people go to hell?"

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