R U S S O 11

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R U S S O 11

"Whoa!!!!" Anastasia yelled as she jumped, clapping her hands, "Yess!!"

It was the end of the week—game night, to be exact.

"Damn girl," Jameson started to say with laughter, "jump any higher and you gon' touch the damn moon."

Anastasia stops jumping instantly. She clears her throat and blushes, adjusting her skirt.

Her enthusiasm stemmed from seeing Mateo run past rival players with them on his tail. He extended his arm out in the mist of dashing between those closing in, catching the ball as he neared the touchdown zone. Anastasia allowed herself to be in the moment as she watched him land on the turf, scoring a touchdown.

Maybe a little too present.

"We all were supposed to cheer," Anastasia says as she looks around.

Liana smirks, "we did, but you got a little too happy over there."

Anastasia tries to deny, "I was not." She catches Jameson mimicking her by hopping and screaming, and she rolls her eyes and says, "It wasn't like that."

"It was, but it's okay. It's cute," Liana says as her eyes wander out onto the field.

Anastasia smirks, walking over to her, "don't think I didn't see you get hyped for a certain someone either, Liana."

Liana tried to fight the smile from forming on her face, corking a brow, "who?"


Liana gasps, "ew, fuck no!"

"Yeahhhh," Anastasia beams, "that caught me by surprise because I remember you saying you'd never date a white boy."

Liana rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, "I still never will."

"Okay," Anastasia leans in close to her ear to say, "you know you want him, though," laughing lightly as Liana glared at her.

Jameson mentioned, "Y'all looking a little gay over there," after noticing how close they were.

Liana speaks with high cheek bones as she blushes, "I will never date Austin. I like em' dark skin."

"I know you do," Anastasia says, "but you want a little piece of that."

Liana looks from side to side, her eyes finding Anastasia's again. She pinched her fingers close, "a tiny, wittle piece," the two laughing.

Anastasia steps out of her personal space, turning her gaze with a smile on her face. She went to see where they were in the game, watching the players leave the field for halftime. Just a second ago, she had Liana blushing over a guy, but now Anastasia was finding herself doing the same as she watched Mateo remove his helmet.

Her brows rose at the sight of him panting, pushing his slightly damp hair off his face.

She had to forcefully nudge her wild thoughts to the side, watching him come over towards her. Suddenly, everyone else was blocked out of her mind as it became them two in the space of the thousands that filled the stadium.

"You got pretty excited over here," Mateo says to her, and Anastasia flushes as she experiences a rush of shyness and embarrassment.

She didn't think he would've seen.

"I want to support my tutor. Is that a bad thing?" She asked with a slow motion of her eyes closing and her shoulders rising.

He smirks, "No, it's a good thing. Keep doing it."

Anastasia tucked her lips and blushed deeply, placing her gaze on her shoes as Mateo stepped around her. She's cheered for him many times, but this felt different. They were growing close now, so he wasn't just a player on the field anymore.

R U S S O 18+Where stories live. Discover now