R U S S O 14

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R U S S O 14

"He was an asshole about it. I can't believe I thought things between us were going to get fixed," Jocelyn said over the phone. She had Anastasia on the line, who was walking through campus to class.

"You went in hoping for the best; don't feel guilty about that," Anastasia said.

Jocelyn sighs, "I feel so stupid, though, and weak that I was chasing someone who didn't want anything to do with me. I hate myself."

"There's nothing wrong with still wanting someone who hurt you. That's how you feel at the moment; you can't beat yourself up over your human emotions," Anastasia said. "Someday you're going to find the strength to not want to call him or text him, to finally let him go."

Jocelyn frowns when she says, "how am I supposed to do that?"

"It's easier said than done, but putting yourself first," Anastasia states, "allow yourself to grieve this relationship and surround yourself with people who care about you until you can find happiness again."

Jocelyn mumbles, "Not many people get back to me these days, not even my best friend."

Her best friend wasn't distancing herself because of Jason. It was more so because people grew distant. Their hangouts wouldn't happen as much, and every time Jocelyn asked her best friend to hang out, she blamed it on time. She didn't have the time to drive an hour up to see Jocelyn anymore or the time where they could even FaceTime.

It was awkward, and while trying to save her relationship, Jocelyn couldn't save her failing friendships either.

"I'm here for you, Jocelyn," Anastasia said with a small smile. "I know we haven't been around each other for long, but I will be there through it all. I care about you."

Jocelyn's voice cracks, "really?"

"Yes," Anastasia assures, "and if you'd like, you can come over to my place and we'll have a night of healing with sparkling wine and ritz crackers with cheese."

Jocelyn smiles and says, "Why sparkling wine and ritz crackers with cheese?"

"Cause that's all I got in my fridge," Anastasia answers, and Jocelyn giggles lightly. 

"What time?" Jocelyn asks.

Anastasia hums before saying, "I have a session with Mateo, so maybe after that." She was going to have to contact her when she was finished because all of their sessions went over the hour.

Jocelyn nods, "okay."

"I have to go, but text me if you're free to come over," Anastasia says, entering the building for one of her classes. The two say their goodbyes before the line disconnects. 

Anastasia knew it was going to take more than sparkling wine and ritz crackers with cheese to get Jocelyn back to someone healed, but it was start. Jocelyn was going to have to not only keep herself busy but also address the wounds, consider cutting contact with Jason, and eventually leave this in the past.

Jocelyn's tried talking to him, and he ghosted. She's tried waiting for him, and she tried to forgive just to end up frustrated. This could take forever, and even when she thought she'd be over him, the flood of emotions would wash over her again and drown her.

That was the thing with healing. You feel okay one minute and distraught the next. It was a rollercoaster, and for every dip and rise, one shall accept the fate and move through those emotions in order to not get stuck.

"I wanted to address something," Professor Quinn says as the seats fill in his class. "I've been noticing a decrease in students showing up to my class, and that is going to affect grades."

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