R U S S O 42

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R U S S O 42

Anastasia packed school essentials in her bag, getting ready to exit Professor Quinn's class.

She tried not to think about what Mateo told her two days ago, but it was the only thing on her mind since stepping foot in class.Things began making sense.

The glances, the need to always pull her after class for small talk, or either at the beginning of class. Anastasia thought Professor Quinn was concerned about her wellbeing and her studies, not developing this huge crush on her.

It freaked her out.

Anastasia could say that she sensed things, but she didn't. Niceness is what she picked up on, and it sucked that if Mateo was right, Professor Quinn used her naiveness to grow close to her.

She felt grossed out that he could like her.

It shouldn't be like that.

He should be crushing on the faculty members, not the young ladies that filled his seat.

And thinking of that, she tried rushing out of there today unnoticed.

"Ms. Bailey," Professor Quinn calls to her. Anastasia pretends to not hear, so he calls out to her again, "Ms. Bailey, your homework."

She stops in her tracks as the other students move around her to head out. She was so in a rush that she nearly forgot to hand it in. But if he hadn't called her for the third time, she would've taken the incomplete.

She took a deep inhale, turning on her feet.

"Sorry, professor," she said on a mumble, opening her tote bag on her shoulder and snatching the first piece of paper she could find. Luckily, it was the math assignment, and as Anastasia neared his desk, she set it down.

Seeing she was in some sort of rush, Professor Quinn says, "Can I speak to you for a moment, Ms. Bailey?"

She wanted to avoid him, "I have somewhere to be."

"It'll only be two seconds," Professor Quinn assures, causing her to sigh.

Her eyes roamed the class briefly to see that there were a few students left, but they were trailing out. She then pinched at the oversized, large blue sweatshirt that was off her shoulders, adjusting it to now sit on her shoulders.

"Is it about the online quiz from last night?" She asks, hoping it was about that and not some love confession.

"It is," he answers, picking up the paper she put down. "You did well on the last one," recalling the eighty-seven percent, "but this one didn't do as great as I expected it to be."

"A seventy-nine; still passing," she held her bag close.

She can admit she rushed through it last night, but that was to get some sleep before the deadline, which was 11 p.m.

Professor Quinn smiles briefly, stuffing his hands inside his pants pocket. "It is, but I know you can do better."

"I'll try harder for the final," she sends a tucked lip expression before taking a step to exit.

Professor Quinn stops her with his words: "That boyfriend of yours might be a distraction."

oh boy.

Her brows instantly knit, and she turns around and says, "Excuse me?"

His face is soft, like he had no issue saying, "Mateo; he might be a distraction for you, and your studies are important."

Anastasia defends, "He's helping me. He's the reason I'm getting better in your class and not failing. Is this about Monday? He only asked you a question."

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