R U S S O 21

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R U S S O 21

"Ima kick his ass in 2k this time," Felix said as he walked down the hall with a brown bag in his hand.

Austin opposes, "You can't even win against your seven-year-old nephew. You're that ass."

"Hijo de puta," Felix sized him. son of a bitch.

"Hey!" Austin looks over at him and says, "I understood that."

"Puta," bitch.

"That too!"

Putting his hand up to knock at Mateo's door, Austin knocked. They were heading over to his place for a rematch, and usually Mateo answered right away when he knew they were on their way up, but a minute went by and no one came to the door.

Felix asks, "I thought you said he was here?"

Austin pulled his phone out to see that Mateo hadn't even read the message that they were in the elevator. "He said he'd be home."

Mateo told them they were good to come over earlier.

But this was before Mateo's plans changed, and because they were so abrupt, he didn't get to shoot a text.

"Knock again." Felix nods toward the door.

Austin looks at him and says, "You knock."

"I'm carrying the snacks," Felix points out, causing Austin to roll his eyes and knock.

Silence filled the hallway once he moved his hand, tempted to make a call in case he was sleeping.

However, a minute goes by, and Mateo opens the door.

The two noticed that he looked different. A bit winded as his chest moved up and down, his hair was a bit messy, and-

"Why is your shirt inside out?" Felix asked as he eyed his friend closely.

Mateo immediately ignored his question to ask, "What are you guys doing here?"

Felix stared with confusion. "What do you mean? You said we could come over around six for 2k."

It was clear Mateo had forgotten; his face showed this.

"Oh shit," he mumbles. "I forgot," Mateo admits. "Come back tomorrow?" going to close the door, but they speak.

"Tomorrow?" Felix asks, "I want my fifty dollars back," his tone a bit pitchy.

Mateo gives a shrug. "Ahora no. I'm busy." not now.

With slumped shoulders, Felix remarked, "We came all this way."

Mateo says, "You don't live that far from me."

Felix says, "But I got out of bed. I went shopping for snacks, and I got the good stuff."

While those two conversed, Austin's eyes were roaming around the space he could see from the door. He glanced down at a pair of light pink shoes that weren't too far away. They weren't Mateo's size or Mateo's style, and they were more feminine.

"Ohhhh!" Austin's brows raise, and he looks back up at Mateo, now seeing the hickey on his neck. He says, "Someone's here. A lady friend."

Felix grows shocked, Mateo's appearance now making sense: "the same chick from the party?"

"No," Mateo answered with a lie. "It's none of your business. Stop by tomorrow."

Austin tries to look around him before he starts to close the door, smirking as Mateo rolls his eyes.

R U S S O 18+Where stories live. Discover now