R U S S O 33

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R U S S O 33

Midterm week was approaching.

A bunch of students were scrambling through note cards and knocking at their professor's door for extra help. Anastasia was experiencing the same nerves, but right now, she sat beside Mateo, more so at ease.

They were seated at a table outside, her legs on either side of the bench as Mateo sat with his back pressed against the table.

She held his face, stuck in a daze.

"Quiero comerte el coño ahora mismo," Mateo said, looking directly into her eyes. I want to eat your pussy right now.

"What did you just say?" Anastasia asks, gently caressing his cheek with her thumb.

"I said you looked pretty," he smiles.

"Thank you," oblivious to the real translation, still gazing at him. "I love when you get your hair cut," she said as she brought her lip close to his. He got his hair lined up and trimmed, and Mateo could see the attraction she felt for him. 

"Yeah?" Mateo lowered his gaze to the shine of her lip gloss. 

"Mhm," she hummed before kissing him, the taste of cherry coating his lips. She creates a small distance and says, "You'd look great with a mustache and goatee."

"I'd grow one for you."

"You would?"

"I would."

She cheeses, "Okay, but don't do it now. I like this look on you." Anastasia brushed her thumb against his lips to remove the red gloss she left. 

"You're very touchy today," Mateo announces. He couldn't even brush his teeth alone without her arms wrapped around him from behind, brushing her own teeth.

She kept kissing parts of his skin when she walked by him or grabbing onto his arm as they walked throughout campus. Mateo didn't mind. He'd take it, times ten.

She takes a trembling breath. "I think it's because I'm ovulating." She wanted to miss classes to smash, but stopped herself from that. She ran her hands through his hair and moaned, "I just wanna-ooh."

Mateo lifts his gaze, and he grins. "Tell me, Mamita. Get nasty for me."

"It involves someone restricted-"

Mateo pinched her lips closed to stop her from talking. "Forget about it."

She giggles, moving his hand. "I knocked down the pins from bowling night. We have to do it at some point."

"Not if I don't let you," he said. "You think I'ma lay down and let you do that to me? Estas loca," you're crazy.

He liked his hands roaming her. It'll drive him insane if he can't touch her.

"Are y'all talking about bondage in public?" Both of their heads turn in the direction of Jameson. "You're getting people bricked up before class. Violation."

Anastasia smacks her lips.

"Yeah, get your friend." Mateo gestured towards her, and she kissed her teeth again.

Jameson smiles at them and says, "At least you guys are back to normal." Anastasia didn't explain much to him about what happens, as Mateo has told her before: keep your friends out of our business. "Had me scared for a second."

Together, they ask, "Scared?"

"Yeah. I don't want y'all to end before y'all can even get started. I love y'all together. Gives me hope," he said, taking a seat at the table. "I even started merging you guys's pictures to see what y'all babies would look like," he said, opening his camera roll to show them.

R U S S O 18+Where stories live. Discover now