R U S S O 44

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R U S S O 44

Liana entered the living room in a good mood. "Ahhhh, it's a beautiful day."

Jameson made his way from downstairs. "Who cares?" he murmured, groggy from being up all night.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Liana said, securing her seat next to Austin on the couch while Jameson took the ottoman.

"I sure did. I couldn't get any sleep, and I don't know about y'all, but I cannot sleep with someone snoring in my ear," he said with an eye roll.

Liana suggests, "Put a sock in his mouth next time."

"What if he suffocates?" Austin asks.

She shrugs. "I put a pillow over your face when you do it."

Austin is surprised. "You do what?"

She smirks, "I don't hold it down on your face. Sometimes I put it between us like a mini wall," she motions with her hand.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Austin asks with wide eyes.

She asks, "How else do you expect me to block out that loud ass noise?"

He blinks. "Turn up the TV or use headphones."

"Blasting music won't work. It'll keep me up," Liana explained.

Austin shakes his head. "I had no idea my girlfriend was trying to kill me," crossing his arms.

Jameson waves his phone at them and says, "I'm ordering Uber Eats; anybody in or volunteers to cook?"

Liana responds, "I don't plan to cook this whole time. It's relaxation time for me."

"So you expected us to cook for you?" Jameson asks, and she hums in response. "I wouldn't flip a grilled cheese for you."

"That's a lie. You made me breakfast one time. Shrimp and grits," she reminds him.

Jameson says, "I see the rat poison didn't work," causing Liana to toss a throw pillow at him. He takes it and rests it on his lap.

While he started searching the options online to find something to eat, Carly was resting in bed on a FaceTime call with Tyler. She crashed on the couch but came to Jameson's room early in the morning to bother him.

"How's your mom?" Carly ask.

"She's fine. She was looking forward to seeing you again," Tyler said, still in bed himself.

Carly releases a sigh. "I know, but I was really looking forward to this trip." They were set to go from the jump, but Tyler changed his mind, so it automatically made Carly feel obligated to change hers as well.

She didn't like that, though. Just because they were dating didn't mean she had to be in his shadow and let him have the say in everything. She was his partner, not his to control. She did feel bad that she couldn't be with him, though. Almost like her decision was wrong.

"I can visit her next weekend. Maybe do a little lunch date," she recommends.

"She would like that." He goes on to ask, "What's the plan for tonight?"

Carly yawns, "They told me last night, but I got too drunk to remember. So we may or may not be partying on this yacht." She watches Tyler take an inhale, so she says, "I know I broke your trust before, but I swear that won't happen again."

Tyler rubs his hand down his face and groans, "I don't know why I can't let that go."

"You think that's why we've been arguing a lot?" she asks.

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