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Chapter Five: The Camp Shed

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Chapter Five: The Camp Shed

(Truth Or Dare)


When she was a kid, Sarah often wondered what it would be like if she missed the bus and had to stay at Hackett's Quarry. Of course, she'd always caught the bus and if she'd been left behind, her parents would always pick her up. But it was a lingering question she always had, that what if.

Well, she finally got the answer to that question now. And honestly, she thought it was pretty great.

Of course, that was just her viewpoint—after all, she'd lived in North Kill for most of her life before she was accepted into Cornell University to pursue veterinary sciences and hope to one day be able to work in a wolf sanctuary. Sarah knew that most of her friends probably lived all across the country and would rather not be stuck here for one more night—fuck, Hayden and Nick lived in Australia. They were supposed to be on a plane heading back there, not miss it and having to scramble to book new tickets for another flight as early as they could. Sarah's heart ached for the siblings, because even though Hayden looked the most visibly panicked, stressed and frustrated of the twins, Sarah could tell Nick felt the exact same way his sister did; he just hid it better.

Still, Sarah wasn't one to leave them treading water without a paddle, and was glad they'd accepted her offer. There was the Harbinger Motel, sure, but still. And she'd make it all over again.

"So, Nor. What d'you think Jacob would want us to find?" Sarah asked, stretching her arms over her head; she and Nora had been walking across camp for a while to find whatever Jacob told them to find, and she was getting curious on what exactly that would be.

Nora shrugged. "I have no idea. He and Emma are all over getting supplies, the twins and Allison and Abi are getting firewood and Dylan and Ryan are sorting out music while Kaitlyn is getting the fire pit organised."

"Oh. Okay," Sarah said, hands lowered as she and Nora trekked across camp. She looked around, taking in the sight of the late afternoon sunlight lining everything in gold, the twittering of birds in trees gently rustling from the wind, the silent cabins and the still pool. It was all so peaceful and slightly romantic.

Glancing at Nora, Sarah laced their fingers together and said with a flirtatious smile, "We could sneak off. No one would notice for a while."

Nora smirked. "Tempting, babe. But maybe we should find something."

"You're right," Sarah admitted, pressing a finger to Nora's cheek as she smiled. "Yet I still had to try. Should have known you'd resist my wiles."

"Excuse me, who was the one avoiding who all summer?" Nora reminded, arching an eyebrow as she smirked.

"True," Sarah muttered, before she leaned against Nora. "Glad this still happened though. It means I can still pull out all my wiles upon you."

Nora smirk shifted into a smile. "Wiles, huh?"

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