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Chapter Two:

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Chapter Two:... And Summer Romances

(Hackett's Quarry Forever, Part 2)


If Nora could freeze a moment into a snapshot of time, one that she could look at and remember and cherish forever, it would be this moment.

Pressed against the rough wood wall of the cabin, Nora smiled against Sarah's lips as her girlfriend kissed her, her hands holding Sarah's face as she felt Sarah's hands on her waist, bringing each other closer. The taste of strawberry chapstick filled Nora's mouth, the type of chapstick Sarah always used that had become something so distinctly her, as Nora traced a path she knew by heart now across the trail of Sarah's mouth, one she'd always follow, amazed at how well their lips melded together, amazed that this had happened at all, that she'd be kissing this beautiful girl behind a cabin on the last day of summer.

It was surreal. It was wonderful.

It was perfect.

The magic ended when the need to breathe became too important to ignore, but even as they parted, Nora's smile was still on her kiss-bruised lips as she slid a finger across Sarah's lips, her blue eyes sparkling with laughter and gentle tenderness and love that only Nora knew.

"I wish I could keep kissing you forever," Sarah murmured, smiling as she lifted a hand to gently stroke Nora's cheek.

"I know," Nora replied, dropping her hand just to take in the sight of Sarah Coleman, her heart lighting up in joy all over again. "But at least we'll have plenty more chances at Cornell."

"If I can lead you away from your robots and engineering projects, that is."

"If it means kissing the beautiful girl in front of me, I'd leave behind my projects always," Nora vowed, before making good on it to press a feather-light kiss on Sarah's lips, strawberries flooding her mouth yet again.

Nora could feel Sarah's smile on her lips as she pulled away, before it dropped away and she sighed. "But seriously, we should probably head back to the others. They must be getting ready to leave and wondering where the hell we are."

"They know. I mean, I made sure I'd keep my promise and make this loud enough for Dylan to hear," Nora said, a wicked grin carving up her face as Sarah tilted her head and howled out a laugh, the sound heavenly to Nora's ears as she drank in the curve of Sarah's smile, her laughing eyes, even the way her blonde hair flowed down to one side when she tilted her head in that way of hers.

God, she loved every part of this girl standing in front of her. Nora resisted the urge to kiss her again.

"Yeah, I don't doubt that," Sarah remarked, grinning even as a serious light came across her face. "But seriously, we should head back though."

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