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Chapter Thirty-Five: Final Girls

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Chapter Thirty-Five: Final Girls

(Bricks And Mortar, Part 2)


Inside the surveillance room, Nora's calm mood had shattered with nerves as she eyed the glitching screens while Abi stood behind her, as nervous as Nora felt.

At some point, Nora had realised she could look through the screens to check and see if she could spy Sarah and Nick as werewolves or if they'd turned back human with their curse breaking thanks to Laura, Allison and Ryan, or Hayden, Dylan and Kaitlyn coming back to the lodge, or any unfriendly werewolves roaming the woods. Sometimes, she caught flashes of the werewolves caught on camera—including the one she'd encountered and was still covered in its blood—before they disappeared while Abi sat next to her, also looking at the screens as her nerves became visible wth her bouncing leg and darting eyes.

Then, as thunder had boomed, the screens had started to glitch. It had freaked both Nora and Abi enough that the other girl had gotten to her feet, looking terrified while Nora remained near the desk, watching the glitching screens. The only solace was that the time hadn't been affected, letting both Nora and Abi know there wasn't much time left until dawn came.

It didn't really settle their nerves much, but it was a sliver of comfort.

"Come on, Abi. Keep it together. Not long 'til morning," Abi told herself.

Nora nodded. "As long as we don't leave the room, we should be okay until it's dawn."

But the minute the words were said, a roar sounded.

Abi gasped in fear while Nora moved away from the screens and snatched up her axe, holding it tightly. She and Abi moved back to back, looking around as Abi asked, "What was that?"

"I have no idea," Nora whispered as heavy, thumping noises came. Nora tightened her grip on her axe as the noises died away before Abi pulled away from her and went to the screens, looking at them. Nora joined her, watching as one screen flashed to inside the lodge and Nora's heart jumped into her throat as she saw Hayden, Kaitlyn and Dylan, looking ready to fight as they stared at the chimney.

Just before something burst through the chimney.


Hayden watched warily as the chimney shook, dust raining down from the werewolf inside it, growling and snarling. Fear fluttered inside her, warring with adrenaline as she held the knife aloft, ready to use it as an animalistic noise came from behind the shaking portrait.

"What the—" Kaitlyn said as she, Hayden and Dylan took a collective step back—just as the painting was torn apart and thrown off, revealing the werewolf that had burst through the solid stone of the chimney and then leapt for the balcony's railing before falling.

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