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Chapter Thirty-Nine: Reunion

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Chapter Thirty-Nine: Reunion

(Ending, Part 2)


The rumble of an engine told the five inside the lodge of who arrived first.

After resting and taking in they'd survived the night, Nora and Kaitlyn as the only ones not injured took Caleb into the nurse's station, where Hayden waited inside to put a sheet over him. In the light of day, she could understand that if Caleb had bitten Nick, then he wouldn't have wanted that—wouldn't have wanted to inflict this curse upon anyone else. That if they'd all stayed in the lodge, perhaps it could have been avoided. The bites, his death... everything.

So Hayden rested the sheet over Caleb Hackett as Nora whispered a farewell, Kaitlyn lingering by the door before they left the room, Hayden gently closing the door and leaving Caleb inside until they could tell authorities about what happened. To hope that they'd believe what Hayden and Kaitlyn had done was a matter of self-defence, of saving those they cared about.

In the dining hall, Abi, Hayden and Dylan rested as Kaitlyn rechecked their injuries, and as she did Hayden murmured, "Dylan, if Ryan's alive and he comes back, given everything that happened... then take the chance to tell him how you feel. Don't leave it too late", Dylan nodding as he held her shoulders with his right arm, that was when they heard that rumbling engine.

The five of them looked at each other in confusion before they stood up and walked to the door leading to the entrance of the balcony, where the van was.

And where an unfamiliar car was driving in.

Hayden, Abi, Nora, Kaitlyn and Dylan shared confused glances as they stood on the balcony, watching as the car came to a stop before two doors opened...

And out of them came Laura and Ryan, Allison following a heartbeat behind. All of them covered in sweat and blood and Laura wearing an old-fashioned dress and a few arrows missing from Allison's quiver as she limped slightly, but they were standing there. They were all alive.

Hayden didn't hesitate, launching herself down the stairs as everyone else followed, Nora and Abi going at a slower pace as Hayden got to the bottom first and ran to Allison, tackling the shorter girl in a hug.

"You're alive!" she yelled, a laugh-sob building in her throat as she held Allison tightly. "Oh my God, you're alive!"

Allison chuckled wetly, her arms snaking around Hayden. "A little bit bloody and a little bit stabbed, but I'm alive."

The girls pulled back, where Allison immediately noticed Hayden's new wound on her right arm.

"Shit, Hayden, what happened?" she demanded.

"I got bitten, but it's okay. Me and Kaitlyn killed him, before infection could take," Hayden told her.

Allison looked thoughtful. "I know. Me and Laura made sure of it."

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